Vancouver's Rogers Arena is the home ice of this team that joined the NHL in 1970
"Its book by a judge don't cover"
Don't judge a book by its cover
Before it reaches the surface & goes blooey, lava is known as this
In 8-ball, these are the 2 distinctive types of ball each player is trying to sink before the 8
Solids & Stripes
A storm--in Shakespeare or a teapot
(7 letters)
The first sea voyage by this group set sail from Vancouver in 1971 in protest of nuclear testing in Alaska
"To cleanliness godliness is next"
cleanliness is next to godliness
"Plucking" is the process by which one of these freezes the bedrock beneath it, cracks it & carries bits away
A glacier
The Mikado's punishment for a pool shark: to play "on a cloth untrue with a twisted" this "& elliptical billiard balls"
A Cue
Doorway part brides have been carried over
(9 letters)
George Vancouver was immortalized after exploring the area in this ship, also the name of the longest-service space shuttle
"And soon a fool are his parted money"
a fool and his money are soon parted
This lightweight, porous volcanic rock is used in concrete & plaster as well as in abrasives & scouring compounds
As Eddie Felson, this actor defeats Minnesota Fats at the billiards table in "The Hustler" & won his sole acting Oscar for the sequel (1961)
Paul Newman
Plural form of this artist whose canvas is the human body (10 letters)
In the 1880s Vancouver was fortuitously chosen as the western terminal of this transportation system, the CPR
Canadian Pacific Railway
"Desperate desperate measures for call times"
desperate times call for desperate measures
Also a word for a resident of Russia's capital, it's the most common form of mica
This billiards variation uses one white ball, 15 red & 6 colored ones; the 1985 world championship final took almost 15 hours
Math term for a digression
(7 letters)
The city hosted a famous race in the then British Empire & these Games; John Landy looked back as Roger Bannister passed him
Commonwealth Games
"Brain workshop is the devil's an idle"
an idle brain is the devil's workshop
Rocks formed by heat at great depths within the earth can be called abyssal or this, after the Roman god of the underworld
Covered by a felt cloth, the bed of a billiards table is typically this metamorphic rock, also used in blackboards
A really fast heart rate
(11 letters)