Compilation of Confucius’s teachings, anecdotes, and sayings.
What is Analects?
Religious tradition indigenous to Japan that reveres native deities, including the Emperor.
What is Shinto?
Life force or primal energy.
What is qi?
Mysterious power that moves the universe and is the source of life for all beings.
What is the Dao?
Summer event when families perform rituals to connect the living with their ancestors and ensure ancestors’ comfort in the afterlife.
What is the All Souls Festival?
One who practices the tradition that teaches cultivating an immediate sense of personal connection with the Dao.
Who is a Daoist?
Theory that the forces of the universe favor a ruler.
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
One of the major religions in Korea that merges elements of Confucianism and Daoism.
What is Ch’ondogyo?
A Daoist principle that states the ideal human conduct is to let go and follow the path of noninterference.
What is wu-wei?
Chinese grouping of the three great traditions of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism.
What is "three faiths"?
Confucian ideal of “being fully human”.
What is ren?
In Daoism, this refers to the mysterious and spontaneous energy of the universe, functioning without the will or purpose of a divine creator.
What is de?
The largest “new religion” of Japan which works for world peace and human welfare; missionizing.
What is Soka Gakkai?
Ancient practices rooted in ancestor veneration which became blended with basic elements of Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
diffuse religion
Confucian principle of respect for one’s parents, elders, and ruler.
What is xiao?
English rendering of the name Master K’ung by early Jesuit missionaries.
Who is Confucius?
Reformation of Japan’s indigenous religion after 1869, with the divine emperor at its center.
What is neo-Shintoism or state Shinto?
Japanese name of legendary Indian sage who brought Zen tradition to East Asia.
Who is Daruma-san?
Deities native to Japan, eternally present and associated with places, certain animals, and the emperor.
What are kami?
The period between 1949 and 1976 when the Communist Party disestablished nearly every public religious institution associated with the “three faiths”.
What is the Cultural Revolution?
Confucian ethic of correct behavior, the cultivation of virtue, which leads to ren.
What is li?
Conceptualizing the constantly changing universe, as always in motion, with apparent “opposites” containing the seed of each other.
What is yin-yang theory?
A healing art that draws upon Daoist theories of vital energy in the body.
What is qi gong?
Great Neo-Confucian master who integrated elements of Buddhism and Daoism into Confucianism.
Who is Zhu Xi?
The most prominent Korean new religion.
What is the Unification Church?