Where did french fries originate from?
What is the Capital of Phillipines
What is the meaning of the word Quran
That which is recited
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
Which country invented tea
This cooking method involves cooking food quickly in a small amount of fat or oil over high heat
How many eyes do bees have
Which Surah has no Bismillah?
Surah Tawba
How many people have walked on the moon?
Which country has the most time-zone, including overseas territories?
Name the main ingredients of "mince meat pie"
Dried fruits
Aureolin is a shade of what color?
Who is the only companion mentioned within the Holy Quran by name?
Zaid Bin Haritha
Which country was the first to give women the right to vote?
New Zealand (in 1893)
Which country is home to Machu Pichu, an ancient Incan city?
This country is the second largest fast food market after the United States
What is the only planet in our solar system that rotates on its side?
In which battle does the Quran condemn the sahabah from running away?
Battle of Uhud
What was the name of the stele that led to the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics?
Rosetta Stone
Which is the smallest country in the world (by land size)?
Vatican City
What do you get when you ask for a bakers dozen
What is the name of the world's first artificial satellite
Sputnik 1
What are the kutub arba?
Al Kafi, Man La Yahzarul Faqi, Tahzhib al Ahkaam, Al Istibsaar
What was the world's shortest war?
The Anglo-Zanzibar War (It occurred in 1896 and lasted about 45 minutes)
Which country has the most pyramids in the world?