Claude Monet is a famous artist from which movement?
Which technique is commonly used to create bronze sculptures
Lost Wax Process
The artist that painted "The Starry Night"
Vincent van Gogh
What is David Lebo's style called
Post-Modern Cartoon Expressionism
Name the four Titans of the Rennaiscance
Michealangelo, Davinci, Rafeal, Donatello
The Campbell Soup Cans is a great example of which art movement?
Pop Art
Oldest known printing medium
The Name of Picasso's most famous painting.
This artist created an album cover for the band 'Gun's and Roses' which sold over 35 million copies
Mark Kostabi
The most expensive painting ever sold _____, sold for a record breaking $_____
Salvator Mundi, $450.3 Million
This Movement is characterized for heightened drama, dramatic light, sharp shadows and dark backgrounds.
Francisco Goya used this medium to create his iconic series known as the "Los Caprichos"
What year was Salvador Dali born?
How many US presidents was Peter Max commissioned to paint?
None, He was not commissioned.
The oldest ever sculpture dating back to 24,000 BC
Venus of Willendorf
What year was cubism invented
What year was Lithography invented?
Which artist did Ambroise Vollard commission in 1931 to create the illustrated series of the Bible known as the Bible series?
Marc Chagall
This artist won an award from the Vatican for their humanitarian efforts
Autumn de Forest
Highest selling price for a Picasso
Les Femmes d'Alger (1955) - $179.4 Million
What is the correct historical order of the following art Movements?
Rennaissance, Romanticism, Natural Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Neoclassical.
Rennaissance, Neoclassical, Romantism, Fauvism, Cubism, Natural Expressionism
This Intaglio medium, made from an engraved copper plate or steel plate on which the surface has been partially roughened or smoothed
A method used by Salvador Dali that involves inducing a paranoid state to create art
Paranoiac-critical method
Who was the Originator of Pop Art
Richard Hamilton
Which Museum is known for having the largest Rembrandt collection?
The Rijksmuseum