We see shadows because light travels like this way.
What is a straight line?
The biggest source of light in the solar system.
What is the sun?
What is a radio wave?
Red, green and blue.
What are the primary colours of light?
These colours attract our attention the most, and therefore are often used as warning colours.
What are red and orange (also yellow).
Light has crests and troughs because it is this.
What is a wave?
Newer, more efficient light bulbs are this type of light.
What is LED?
Dr. Willem Roentgen used this letter because he didn't know what they were.
What is X-ray?
Cyan, magenta and yellow.
What are the secondary colours of light?
This type of light is emitted by any object above absolute zero in temperature.
What is infared light?
When light travels through water, it bends, displaying this property of light.
What is refraction?
Living organisms that give off light are called this
What is bioluminescent?
Pulsars, supernovas and black holes are some of the sources of these tiny but powerful waves.
What are gamma rays?
Blue and green light make this coulour.
What is cyan?
Your chromebook screen might have 1920 x 1080 of these.
What are pixels?
A black object does this to all the visible light that strikes it.
What is absorb?
What is incandescent?
Not discovered until 1945, these ways pass through glass, plastic and the ionosphere, but are reflected by metal.
What are microwaves?
Red and blue make this colour.
What is magenta?
This object splits white light into a rainbow.
What is a prism?
On a calm day, the surface of a lake does this to light.
What is reflection?
Electricity that excites a gas like neon, or xenon, give off this sources of light.
What is fluorescent?
Types of this wave include A, B and C, and are used for disinfection.
What are UV waves?
What is white?
This is the simplest explanation of why the sky is blue.