Hypebeast Art
Not Just Morning Cartoons
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Historical Events Worse Than My Love Life

Famed artist Takashi Murakami designed album art for Kids See Ghosts, Kanye West's Graduation, Future's self-titled album, and this EP by K-Pop girl group, NewJeans.



Adventure Time has an eclectic list of characters; this one is a living game console who's friends with the main character, Finn.



More people in the world today have access to a mobile phone than have access to a working toilet, but 2.1 million people still use this internet connection that relies on physical telephone lines and 56K modems which decode audio to data.



A popular postcard from Seattle is one featuring the view of a massive snow-capped mountain located to its south.

Mount Rainier


Despite seeming like a farfetched story, chamber musicians did in fact play music to calm passengers when this large ocean liner sank on its maiden voyage from England to New York City.



Frank Ocean makes a reference to this famous Spanish painter in the song Slide, when he sings "I might empty my bank account, And buy that boy with a pipe" referring to the painting, Boy With a Pipe.

Pablo Picasso


The longest running animated family cartoon is known for its many predictions of real life events but most notably predicting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The Simpsons


In 1947, Grace Hopper and her team found a moth causing issues in their computer at Harvard University. It was the first ever instance of a computer issue and the reason for this name of the issue.

A Bug


Head to Federal Way where you can visit a botanical garden that’s entirely devoted to over 1,000 species of this woody, flowering plant. It’s also the state flower of Washington.



The resulting increase in labor demand in the 15th century caused the surviving peasants to experience a new golden age of opportunity. Spread by rats that carried infected fleas, this disease caused waves throughout the world, killing approximately 50% of Europe and 33% of the middle east.

Black, or Bubonic, Plague


In 2012, it was the most "hyped" artwork in the world, selling for almost 120 million dollars at auction. Created by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch in 1893, this famous expressionist artwork is said to represent anxiety and is titled based on a simple human reaction.

The Scream


Baloo, played by Bill Murray, is this kind of animal from the Disney animated musical movie, ‘The Jungle Book.'

A Bear


Known for everything from popular dance trends to obscure movies in multiple parts, the third largest video-hosting platform and search engine in the world is in this multilingual application held by a Beijing-based company.



Seattle has this many historic bridges in its city limits.



UN peacekeepers from Nepal were dispatched to one of the poorest countries in the world after an earthquake in 2010 devastated the country, but those same peacekeepers gave cholera to 800,000 people.



Oftentimes featured in popular culture and even on Off-White's clothing, Caravaggio painted this work, depicting a famous biblical event of Jesus after the final supper.

The Taking of Christ


In 1947, this famous Hanna-Barbera cartoon won an Oscar for an episode where a cat plays Franz Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" on the piano in concert.

Tom and Jerry


In the single largest outage in the history of technology on July 19th 2024, at 04:09 UTC, this company pushed a defective update for its cyber protection software that left 8.5 million machines worldwide with the infamous blue screen of death.



He was the first pick of the Seattle SuperSonics in the franchise's final NBA draft before relocating to Oklahoma City.

Kevin Durant


Known as the capital of knowledge and the world's greatest archive of information in ancient times, this building was burned in 48 BC.

The Library of Alexandria


While best known for his supreme collaboration, bright-polkadot art, and currently being the richest artist alive, he first became famous for suspending a tiger shark in formaldehyde in a glass tank.

Damien Hirst


This South Korean animation studio is responsible for animating King of the Hill, the final season of The Boondocks, The Legend Of Korra, X-MEN '97, and the manwha, Lookism.

Studio Mir


In the movie Ex Machina, an employee wins a trip with the company's CEO. Little does he know, the opportunity is created so he can interact with an advanced AI tailored to his specific interests, in order to perform this kind of test for its humanity.

Turing Test


The most recognizable building in Seattle is the 600 foot tall Space Needle with its revolving observation deck and restaurant built for this event.

1962 World's Fair


The late bronze age ended in a cascade of falling civilizations that started in part due to the fall of this ancient city, located in current day Turkey, known in part for a giant horse.

