Define and use in a sentence: retreating
withdraw or move away
Who is Percy's mother and what is her role in his life?
Sally Jackson - had a relationship with Poseidon ; mother to half blood Percy Jackson
She was loving and protective - ex. married smelly Gabe
Who are the big three
Poseidon Zeus and Hades
What cabin is Percy first placed in? god of ...
Cabin 11 - Hermes - protector of f travelers, thieves, etc.
Where does Percy go to school?
Yancy Academy - New York
Define and use in a sentence reverently
with deepest respect
Who is Luke and why is he important so far>
Luke is an older camper at camp half-blood; there seems to be an interest with Annabeth
Takes Percy into his cabin even when he was new
Who is Annabeth's parents and what is significant about them
Athena goddess of wisdom and war
Dad - professor at West Point - teaches American History
Who is Percy's best friend? Describe him
Grover the satyr - his job is to protect
Where is Olympus?
The empire state building - New York
Define and use in a sentence wistful
characterized by longing
Who is Mr. Brunner really? What is his real name? Describe his role at camp half blood
*bonus if you can tell me who he is in Greek history
a centaur Chiron- teacher at camp half blood
a centaur who was a teacher and healer to many Greek heroes, including Achilles, Jason, and Hercules
who is ares? what is significant about his cabin?
god of war
his kids were the most violent
What happens on the field trip to the museum
Nancy Bobofit is picking on Grover.
Percy fights back and gets in trouble with Mrs. Dodds
She turns into a monster and fights him in an abandoned room in the museum
where does Percy fight Clarisse? what is significant about her? what happens
Clarisse is the daughter of Ares - very violent
they fight in the bathroom
Percy soaks her with bathroom water
Define and use in a sentence related to Percy Jackson: sauntering
Who is Mr. D? Why is he at camp half blood? Why is he being punished?
the Greek god of grape-harvest, wine, orchards,
He also serves as the camp director of Camp Half-Blood, having been placed there by his father Zeus as punishment for chasing after an off-limits nymph.
who is Hermes
protector of travelers, thieves, etc.
What did Percy eat / drink when he first got to the camp?
Ambrosia and Nectar - tasted like his mom's blue chocolate chip cookies
What cabins are empty and why
the big three - half bloods from them don't survive long enough to get to camp.
Define and use in a sentence related to Percy Jackson: gingerly
The minotaur - what is he, what happens to him
head and tail of a bull and the body of a man
Percy kills him by ripping off one of its horns and using it to stab the beast in the gut
What mythical creatures have attacked Percy so far x 2
or what other creatures has he seen x 4
name 4 total.
Attacked: Minotaur, Mrs. Dodds -> a winged demon and monster
Seen: nymphs, centaur, satyr, the fates (3 women knitting)
What is significant about Annabeth's necklace - what does it tell us
it has 5 beads - one for every year she has been there
she has been there since she was 7
list the 12 cabins
if you can get 10 I will give you credit
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus