How often does informed consent need to be completed after the initial informed consent?
Which parents do you need to meet each month?
All parents who have not had their right's terminated.
Within what timeframe should you meet with a child when they first enter custody?
24 Hours.
Where do you document a worker child visit?
Under Contact Communication Log.
How early should you send your court report to your supervisor?
2 Full Weeks. (this is changing) It will be earlier.
At what age does the youth need to sign their own informed consent?
12 Years Old
Where should you conduct your monthly parent visit?
In their home.
Within what timeframe should you have an FST on a new custody?
72 Hours.
Where do you document the child's medication?
Under the medical screen, current medication.
What are the STL PIP goals for visiting Children, Parents, and Parent/Child visitation? Document, Document, Document. HINT* House Bill 1414
95% children seen.
50% Parents seen.
60% Parents seeing children.
What parent's get to be involved with the consent of medication?
Engaged parents. Which can mean parent's who are attending FST's, court hearings, visiting their children, and/or meeting with Children's Division staff.
What document should be created with the parents for their case regarding services, goals, tasks, and the primary case plan? Hint: they also have to sign it.
Social Service Plan
Youth ages 14+ on a new custody should receive what, when entering custody?
"What's It All About" Guidebook for Youth in Alternative Care
Where and how often do you document a parent/child visit?
Under visitation documentation log. Monthly.
What do you need for a Level Of Care Staffing?
Therapy Notes
Recent hospitalization notes
psychiatry notes
current medications
Once you complete the Informed Consent, where do you put it?
What do you send to a parent every month? Which method?
Parental Obligation Letter via Mail &/or email
What form does the worker need to provide to the parent to fill out and return within 30 days of a child entering custody?
Step By Step how should you document a worker/parent visit?
Contact List; filter individual; click the drop down; select the parent; click the blue hyperlink; document your visit.
How often do you have FST's throughout the case plan? Initial through the end.
In the medical screen, under medication. You will put the date that they started the medication, as well as when informed consent was completed.
Within how long should you meet the parent on a new custody?
24 Hours.
How often do you meet with parents/where do you meet with parents for a new custody, and how long does this last?
Weekly in their home for the first month.
How do you enter a case goal change in FACES? Where is that located?
By entering a new FST under the FST screen, in primary case goal.
What is the timeframe to alerting grandparents that a child has entered protective custody?
3 Hours