The Supreme Law of the land
what is the constitution
protects art works
what is a copyright
This legal doctrine reduces the damages a plaintiff can recover based on their percentage of fault in the incident.
what is comparative negligence
This is filed by a plaintiff and starts a law suit.
what is a complaint
a non legally binding kind of ADR
what is negotiation
Protects Free Speech
what is the first amendment
This legal term refers to the exclusive right to use a brand name, logo, or other identifiers in commerce.
What is a trademark
In this type of liability, a person can be held accountable for damages without proof of negligence or fault.
what is strict liability
This term refers to a written statement of the facts and legal claims of a lawsuit filed in a court.
what is litigation
ADR stands for
what is alternative dispute resolution
This part of the Constitution grants the government the power to regulate interstate commerce.
What is the commerce clause?
This term refers to the unauthorized use of someone else’s trademark that is likely to confuse consumers.
What is trademark infringement
This principle states that a person or entity can be held responsible if their failure to exercise reasonable care results in injury to others, even if no harmful intent was involved.
what is a duty of care
This type of law governs the behavior of individuals and businesses within a state, and is typically enforced by state courts.
What are state laws?
This ADR method involves a neutral third party who hears evidence and makes a binding decision.
what is arbitration
This clause of the Constitution requires that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
What is due process
This doctrine allows limited use of copyrighted material for purposes like criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
what is the fair use docrtine
This defense may be used to argue that the injured party willingly engaged in an activity that is inherently dangerous, absolving the defendant of liability.
what is assumption of risk
This type of state law is designed to regulate the conduct of businesses to ensure fair competition and protect consumers
Anti Trust
This is the role of the neutral third party in a mediation.
what is a mediator
one of the presidents powers conferred by the Constitution
what are executive orders
Patents are strictly covered by this kind of law.
What is Federal Law?
2. Breach
3. Damages
what are the three elements of a negligence claim
the name of the party that initiates a law suit
what is a plaintiff
This term describes the ability of mediators to keep information shared during mediation confidential.
what is confidentiality