This is where Poe was born.
This is where Edmund and his mom reunited.
The church
This is the person who helped Edmund find his sister.
Mr. Dupin
The item that was stolen in Edmund's house.
The portrait
The actual name of Mr. Dupin.
Edgar Allen Poe
This is the reason why Poe's engagement was ended.
Poe's Drinking problem
The people who were involved of the dissapperance of sis.
Mr. Rachett and Mr. Peterson
This is the person Poe got married to.
Mrs. Whiteman
The item that Edmund found on the floor at Mrs. Whiteman's house.
A paper with random letters and numbers on it.
This is Mr. Throcks Job.
Private Investigator
This is when Poe died.
This is the number of days of when Aunty has been gone in the beginning of the book.
Three days
This is the person who was the step dad of Edmund.
Mr. Rachett
This helped Edmund and Mr. Dupin figure out where Sis went.
The open window
The women that would take care of Mrs. Whiteman's needs.
The servant
This is the year when Poe fell into a period of deppression and decline with persistent drinking.
This was the name of the ship Sis was on.
This is the name that Mr. Rachett went off by.
William Arnold
This helped Dupin figure out that Edmund's mom and Aunt were twins.
The durreotype.
This is Mr. Peterson's Job.
A banker
This is where Poe went where his career as a writer took firm hold.
New York City and Baltimore
This is the number where Dupin made Edmund take the letter too at Mrs. Whiteman's house.
Number eighty-eight
This is the person Mr. Dupin saw at the inquest.
Edmund's mom
The action that the man was doing in the cemetery when Edmund thought he was praying.
Digging the grave.
This is Elias Job.
The captain