Causes of the Great depression
The dust bowl, and overspeculation
What is the new deal programs?
The new deal was a series of programs that president Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) put in place to help with the Great Depression. These programs mostly benefited Americans.
What is the TVA
The Tennessee Valley Authority was an environmental improvement program that provided jobs for the unemployed to build dams to provide an affordable source of electric power to seven southern states.
Finish the date Oct, 29,____
What does the AAA Stand for and mean?
Agricultural Adjustment Act is a United States federal law of the New Deal era designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses.
What is the FDIC
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures bank deposits.
What were the two causes of the dust bowl
Overproduction, and the drought that spread across the midwest
What is the SEC and what does it stand for
The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the stock market
What was the NRA
The National Recovery Administration is a system that provides fair competition, jobs for those who need, and set prices
What did the unemployed people live in (hint: Shanty towns)
What is the social security act
Social Security Act or Administration provides money for the elderly called a pension as well as money for the unemployed and disabled.
What was the WPA
The Works Progress Administration was established mainly for the job it provided
What happened on black tuesday, and why?
The stock market crashed because of overspeculation.
What is the CCC
The Civilian Conservation Corps was a federal work program that employed young men to plant trees and build bridges.