At the first time reference to _____
When the writer was 6 years old
He has always been _______ to improve his skills, spending hours each day practicing and learning
Why did the aunt refused to change ?
1-She is clinging to her culture
2- She believed the situation was temporary and the will return soon
Replace the * * part of the sentence with suitable word
She was *unwilling to change her mind* about the decision, even after hearing everyone's opinions.
Why she kept her norther accent ?
because it was unconsciously an essential part of who she was
Make a sentence that combines both words: fellow countrymen and expatriates
The fellow countrymen welcomed the expatriates with warmth, as they shared a common bond of being from the same homeland.
Connection refers to
accent and identities
After living in the city for several years, she became ___________ the constant noise and busy streets
accustomed to
what was the life of the aunt in Newyork?
1- She refused to learn English so she found herself stuck in the house most of time
2- she walks miles to buy food
3-she refused buying a fridge and prefers to keep things cool in the traditional way
4- she refused to make any changes to the apartment apart from spending hours keeping it clean
Create the word object in two sentences: the first is noun and the second is verd
noun: "The object on the table was a gift from his grandmother."
verb: "He objected to the decision made by the committee."