This person has lived in 5 different states.
A. Jac
B. Lane
C. Connie
D. Nicole
This person played in a tournament in Cooperstown when they were younger.
A. Christian
B. Gary
C. Kristen
D. Allie R
This person is currently taking classes at the Rhode Island Circus Space.
A. Lauren P
B. Becca
C. Amy P
D. Maddie
Lauren P!
This person wants to hold a boa constrictor someday (despite being afraid of snakes!)
A. Rebecca
B. Sue
C. Courtney
D. Eryn
This person went to the same boarding school as one of the Wolf School founders.
A. Amy T
B. Lauren DK
C. Rachel
D. Sue
Amy T!
This person loves to travel to tennis tournaments around the country (and wants to go to even more!)
A. Gary
B. Tina
C. Mara
D. Beth
This person can play the ukelele.
A. Eryn
B. Allie R
C. Jac
D. Maddie
Allie R!
These two people are skilled knitters (among other crafty things!).
A. Allie C & Ally K
B. Carol & Julia M
C. Melissa & Amy P
D. Lauren DK & Rachel
Melissa & Amy P!
This person has had two weddings, but only one husband.
A. Marybeth
B. Lynne
C. Tina
D. Rebecca
It's all about the kiwis! One person eats kiwis like apples (with the skin on!), and the other is allergic to them!
A. Becca & Jac
B. Chelsee & Julia T
C. Lauren P & Alyssa
D. Jody & Jenn O
Chelsee & Julia T!
This person has traveled to Iceland and seen the Northern Lights.
A. Eryn
B. Julia D
C. Lane
D. Rebecca
This person used to hustle people at bars playing darts.
A. Julia T
B. Caitlyn
C. Maureen
D. Lauren DK
Lauren DK!
These two people are STRONG! One is an avid cross-fitter and the other is a body builder!
A. Jess & Lauren P
B. Katrina & Leah
C. Mike & Chelsee
D. Kasey & Kristyn
Kasey & Kristyn!
This person went to nursing school for 2 years before switching majors.
A. Meg Silva
B. Laurie
C. Katy
D. Jody
So random! One person attended a llama themed sleepaway camp as a child and the other broke BOTH wrists falling off the uneven bars in 6th grade!
A. Alyssa & Tina
B. Nicole & Julia D
C. Ally K & Jenna
D. Kristen & Jenn O
Alyssa & Tina!
This person traveled to Morocco in graduate school.
A. Julia M
B. Amy P
C. Jess
D. Melissa
Julia M!
These people have both performed in Disney - one in a Disney parade & one on the stage next to Space Mountain!
A. Katrina & Becca
B. Nicole & Allie C
C. Paige & Anna
D. Monique & Jenn S
Katrina & Becca!
This person is a boxer.
A. Meg Silva
B. Julia M
C. Jenna
D. Laurie
This person has a half-toe (meaning 9 1/2 toes total)!
A. Jenn Sparr
B. Marybeth
C. Christian
D. Kristyn
This person wants to go on a safari and take pictures of animals.
A. Meg Silva
B. Mara
C. Madeleine
D. Katy
Meg Silva!
This person went to China for 3 weeks in 7th grade.
A. Julia M
B. Kasey
C. Allie C
D. Rachel
These people are swimmers! One particiapted in the Save the Bay 2-mile swim THREE times and both swam competitively in high school!
A. Paige & Kristen
B. Marybeth & Sue
C. Amy T & Rachel
D. Courtney & Jenn O
Courtney & Jenn O!
This person played the drums from 5th grade through high school and was in both the jazz band and marching band.
A. Anna
B. Katrina
C. Maddie
D. Monique
This person worked in a prison after graduating college.
A. Jay
B. Christian
C. Connie
D. Jenn O
This person wants to write a book about a fairy who has scoliosis with their daughter.
A. Lynne
B. Katy
C. Anna
D. Courtney