T or F Shinto translates to “Way of Life”
T or F Shintoism has no unifying scripture
Which Shinto festival is a day to welcome deities at home with offerings and entertain them with special delicacies
New Years Day
T or F Shintoism is the oldest religion in Japan
Which of the two written records is a compilation of myths and legends concerning the Shinto gods and episodes from the reigns of the early emperors.
The Nihon Shoki
Which Shinto Festival is celebrated on March 3? New Years, Hinamatsuri, or Setsubun
Before which century C.E. Did Shinto began to take form
The 6th Century
Which of the following is the Kojiki not an important source for
ceremonies, customs, divination, statistics
Setsubun is a Shinto festival that involves throwing what food?
Approximately how many practicing Shintos are in our world today?
84 million (83.96 to be exact)
What is the name of Shintos most important religious figures?