Healthy Life Expectancy
term used to describe the expected number of years of full health remaining at a given age, such as birth
Difficulty falling asleep could be
Collective Violence
Listening without verbal feedback
Passively listening
STD that cannot be treated with Anti Biotics
understanding the seriousness of a health problem and your susceptibility to it motivates change.
The social cognitive model of behavior
Jet Lag
Reactive Aggression
Oops. Number of pregnancies that occur when using a particular method of birth control
Failure Use Rate
10-30 minutes max recommened
Nap length
Most Common Mental Health Problem in U.S?
Gender More likely to snore ?
Unintentional Injury is...
Most common cause of death among people aged 1-44
Barrier Method Example
Belief in one's ability to achieve a task
Self Efficacy
After 5 years of a 70 hour work weeks, Tom decided to leave his high-paying, high-stress law firm and lead a simpler lifestyle.
Losing Keys = example of what kind of psychological stress
Trigger the bodies immune response
Most common treatment for sleep apnea
CPAP mask