(Observe, Describe, Participate)
This "What" skill involves noticing thoughts, feelings, and sensations without reacting.
What is Observe?
This skill means avoiding labels like "good" or "bad" and sticking to the facts.
What is non-judgmentally?
Wise Mind is the balance of these two states of mind.
What are Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind?
This mindfulness exercise involves naming 5 things you see, hear, and feel.
What is Grounding (or 5-4-3-2-1)?
This skill requires putting words to what you experience.
What is Describe?
This skills means focusing on one thing at a time instead of multitasking.
What is One-mindfully?
Wise mind is the ____ within each person.
What is Wisdom?
The practice of paying attention to the breath without controlling it.
What is Mindful Breathing?
You are dancing to your favorite song without worrying about what others think.
What is participate?
Acting in a way that helps you reach your goals is an example of which "How" skill?
What is Be Effective (Do What Works)?
You're about to react impulsively but pause and check in with yourself.
What is Wise Mind?
Eating a raisin slowly and noticing every detail is an example of this.
What is Mindful Eating?
Give an example of describing something without opinions or judgements.
How can being one-mindful help reduce stress?
What is preventing becoming overwhelmed by slowing yourself down and to focus on one thing at a time?
Give an example of a Emotion Mind decision.
Examples: acting impulsively, reacting out of anger, or skipping school due to anxiety?
True or False: If you're being mindful, you should try to stop all of your thoughts.
What is False? (You just notice your thoughts and let them go.)
True or False: The "What" Skills should be practiced all at the same time.
What is False? (They should be practiced one at a time.)
True or False: Judging emotions helps control them better.
What is False? (Judging emotions makes them stronger.)
You have a big decision to make and use both logic and emotions to decide.
What is Wise Mind?
Focusing on a sound, like a bell, until it disappears is called this practice.