Which document declared Independence from Great Britain?
A) Constitution
B) Northwest Ordinance
C)Declaration of Independence
D) Bill of Rights
C- Declaration of Independence
What did Muckrakers do?
Expose problems in society
What was the impact of people moving to Urban areas?
Rise of corporations
19th Amendment
women right to vote
One nation dominating and controlling another for resources, land, and other gains.
Stronger nation taking over weaker nation
Name 3 natural rights?
Life, Liberty, Property or Pursuit of Happiness
What did the Pure Food and Drug Act do?
Required labels on food to ensure products are safe
Name 2 characteristics of "new" immigrants?
Worked in factories
Did NOT speak English
18th Amendment
banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol
List 3 causes of Imperialism
Raw Materials (Natural Resources)
New Markets
Naval Bases
Which group believed in needing a Bill of Rights, Federalists or Anti-Federalists?
What is a Referendum?
People can vote on laws
What does Nativism mean?
1st Amendment
Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.
What provided military and commercial shortcuts for the United States and other countries?
Panama Canal
How did the Northwest Ordinance set precedents for governing the U.S? (What was included in the Constitution that was in the NW Ordinance?)
Bill of Rights/No Slavery
What court case ruled that segregation was legal?
Plessy v. Ferguson
What were 3 labor union demands?
8 hour workday
Minimum wage laws
Safety equipment
15th Amendment
Prohibits the denial of voting rights based on race, color
How was Hawaii acquired?
Stolen (Annexed) from Queen Lili’uokalini for tax free sugar and a naval base (Pearl Harbor) and etc....
Explain how these two issues in the Articles of Confederation was fixed in the Constitution.
A.Congress could request states to pay taxes but could not make them
B. No executive with power, the President only presided over Congress
A. Congress has the right to levy taxes on individuals
B. Executive branch headed by President who enforces laws and checks powers of judicial and legislative branch
What were 4 major issues in American during the 1900's?
Poor Working Conditions
Lack of City Services
Government Corruption
Poverty on the farm
Name 2 new machines for farming and their impact.
More Food, More machines, less people Surplus (too much crops Farmers in debt
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators
List 2 Pros and 2 Cons of Imperialism
Pros- America gains land (an empire), America gains naval bases, America gains new markets to sell products
Cons- Indigenous people lose their freedom, Indigenous populations lose raw materials, Indigenous people lose their governments