Main source of hydro power
dams or reservoirs
When companies exaggerate or falsely claim to be environmentally friendly, they are engaging in this deceptive marketing practice.
The area along the Mississippi in Louisiana was deemed “this” due to its unnatural concentration of people with a deadly disease.
Cancer Alley
The flow of waste materials from their source (residential, industrial, etc.) to their final disposal, recycling, or reuse
Waste Stream
Authoritative decisions such as laws, regulations, and court rulings guiding the behavior of people and organizations subject to a government
EROI stands for…
energy return on investment
This concept expands traditional CSR by emphasizing economic benefits for both companies and society, with examples including sustainable supply chains and ethical sourcing.
corporate social responsibility
The branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.
A structure that isolates the waste from the surrounding area while allowing constant monitoring and retrieval of it
containment buildings
A system that ensures a part or branch of the government has the means to exert some influence over the activities of the other branches
checks and balances
The point when global oil production reaches its maximum, then terminally declines.
peak oil
These organizations play a major role in sustainability efforts but often face financial and operational challenges due to their reliance on donations and grants.
Nonprofit Organization
This deadly metal was used in the production of hats around the 19th century.
It’s made from rainwater mixing with waste
This is a direct payment from the government to encourage a certain activity, often in the form of cash payments or cash incentives.
The idea that when a resource is produced more efficiently, consumption of it increases.
Jevons Paradox
A business striving to balance people, planet, and profit is following this three-part framework for sustainable success.
triple bottom line
The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on public health
An international agreement negotiated to restrict movements of hazardous waste from more-developed to less-developed countries
Basel Convention
When private interest groups seek to influence the decisions of politicians.
This person significantly improved the steam engine and impacted the industrial revolution.
James Watt
Unlike traditional investing, this approach evaluates companies based on their environmental, social, and governance practices, often alongside financial performance.
Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Investment Principles
Defined as tiny particles suspended in the air, toxic “these” can be found in common household appliances such as detergent.
The process that converts hazardous waste to less-hazardous substances
This successful international agreement in 1987 was responsible for dramatic reductions in emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were depleting the ozone layer.
the Montreal Protocol