In what year did France win the first world cup ?
Name of the protagonist in bleach ?
The trio of friends the most popular ?
Harry Potter / Hermione Granger / Ron Weasley.
Which nation has the most world cups ?
The villain in My hero Academy ?
All for one
How many films are there in the saga ?
8 films.
Who is the player with the most ballon d'or ?
Who is the protagonist in vagabond ?
Miyamoto Musashi
Who becomes the director of Hogwarts after the death of Dumbledore ?
Severus Snape.
Which team has won the most Champions Leagues ?
Real Madrid
Eyes techniques in Naruto ?
sharingan, byakuguan, rinnegan
What are the names of the other magical schools in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ?
Durmstrong and BeauxBâtons.
When was PSG created ?
What's the nickname of Guts in Berserk ?
The black swordsman, the hundred man slayer
How many Horcruxes are there in the saga, and name them.
Harry Potter / Nagini / Tiara of Rowena Ravenclaw / cup of Helga Hufflepuff / medallion of Salazar Slytherin / ring of Gaunt / diary of Tom Riddle.