What is a monarchy and what country has it.
A singular leader Ex. Britain
what does the house of representatives, represent
what are 4 key functions of political parties
electing Candidates,Educating the Public,Involving the People in the Political Process, Operating the Government
what are the requirements an immigrant has to do to become a us citizen
they have to be 18 , speak and read in English, pass a US history and government test.
who was the 33th president of the United States of America?
Harry S. truman
how many years can a Representative run for and what is it?
2 years, a person that represents a state
who does the executive branch consist of
President, officers, sheriff's and other law enforcing jobs
what are ways political parties educate the public
social media, radio, posters, television
how many immigrants can a state hold
they can only hold 7%
how many wars did the United States America lose and how many did we win?
currently 8-1
what does the word democracy mean by itself
means ruled by the people
what grants congress the ability to pass all laws it considers necessary.
the elastic clause
what are government watchdogs
observes the party in power and criticizes them and give them political solutions
what is the first amendment
the freedom of speech,religion and petition.
who was the first president born in the United States
van buren
the first republic government came from what place?
what is the importance of the Madison v. Madison.
gave the Court the ability to strike down laws on the grounds that they are unconstitutional
what happens to a bill that a president holds for 10+ days
it automatically turns into a law
what is the issue of the dredscott v Sanford case
African American Slaves were not considered citizens
besides the 9/11 attack what was one other national disaster that was in the country or came from a terrorist attack?
OKC bombing
what is popular sovereignty and what does it originate from.
popular rule of the people, Athens
how many times does congress meet in a whole year.
once a year for all year
if a bill is vetoed what happens to that bill
it goes back to the H.O.R and repeats the process with a 2/3 votes rule.
what are civil liberties?
protection from arbitrary governments
what was the first bill to ever be passed about?
the oath act 1789, may 5