I am the big deck within a CSG
What is a Carrier
Which COCOM has responsibility over Brazil
Established the Navy
Art 1, Sec 8, Clause 13
Largest component
what is the ARMY
Administrative Command is responsible for what
What is Train, Man, and Equp
These three innovations happened after WWII to our Carriers
What are the
Steam Catapult
Nuclear Power
Angles flight line
What #'d fleet is responsible for the black sea
What is the 6th fleet
Establishes the relationship between our executive branch and the military
Article 2
Responsible for Space
What is the Airforce
Operational Command is responsible for this
what is Warheads on foreheads
I support drug interdiction operations from South America
What is 4th Fleet
Which fleet is HQ'd out of Yokosuka Japan
What is 7th Fleet
These leaders swear their allegiance to the constitution
Who are commissioned officers
Responsible for pollution and clean up
What is the Coast Guard
The command is able to cross areas of responsibility to target threats
what is SOCOM
What is 5th fleet
Lybia falls into which COCOMS Area of Responsibility (AOR)
Declares war
U.S. Congress
these mariners support the MSC
What are Merchant Marines
Who sits at the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs table
All service branch component commanders
The size of cannon found on a Destroyer
What is a 5-inch cannon
I am the busiest COMBATANT, there are currently 5 countries engaged... I am a hotbed of activity and always have been
These members make up the NSC
What is (1) President, (2) Vice President, (3) SecState, (4) SecDef,
(5) Sec of Treasury, (6) NSA
These ships are used as floating warehouses
What are prepositioning ships MSC
During an emergency, this organization shifts from the Dept of Homeland Security to Dept of the Navy
What is the Coast Guard