This device always points North and allowed Sailors to accurately Navigate the oceans
The Compass
This is the political system in which one ruler holds absolute power
This Enlightenment Era thinker was the first to describe the laws of Gravity, being inspired by watching an apple fall from a tree
Isaac Newton
This country was victorious after the 7 Years war, but was completely broke, so it tried to tax its American colonists
This tool was used to cut off the heads of French political opponents during the French Revolution
The Guillotine
This explorer thought he found a passage to Asia but really landed in the Bahamas
Christopher Columbus
This treaty split the new world between Spain and Portugal
The Treaty of Tordesillas
This art movement was a reaction to The Enlightenment and stressed emotion and imagination
These 3 musician revolutionized music during the Baroque and Romantic periods (name one)
Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven
This British Admiral defeated the combined Spanish and French Navies at the Battle of Trafalgar
Admiral Horatio Nelson
Although he died during the voyage, his expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe
Ferdinand Magellan
The mining of this precious metal in Mexico and Bolivia was so brutal that parents would maim their children to save their lives
This invention helped new ideas spread rapidly by making books and written material much faster to produce
The printing press
(throwback question) This man inadvertently caused centuries of religious conflict when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church and started the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
This code was the most important of the seven legal codes established by Napoleon
The Civil Code
When the Venetians partnered with this empire to dominate the spice trade, Venice became one of the richest cities in Europe
Ottoman Empire
This was the first permanent English colony in North America
This astronomer was the first to argue that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe
Nicholaus Copernicus
This country was the first country to grant diplomatic recognition to the new American state.
In his final battle, Napoleon was defeated by this British general
The Duke of Wellington
This Portuguese explorer was the first to sail around Africa to India
Vasco da Gama
This French king was known as the Sun King
Louis the XIV
The ideas of this enlightenment Era thinker can be found in the American Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.
John Locke
The invasion of England by William of Orange, which overthrew James II with almost no bloodshed,is known as this
The Glorious Revolution
This man was the brutal head of the Committee of Public Safety.
Maximilian Robespierre