True or False: If a two-year-old can get dressed without help, s/he will develop a sense of independence.
True or False: The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.
We are more likely to follow orders when they come from a(an) _________.
If you have a big brain, does it mean you are smarter?
No. Large brain doesn't equal being smart.
What are Piaget's 4 stages of development?
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
What are the 4 main parts of a neuron?
dendrites, axon, cell body (soma), axon terminal
What is an axon?
It's a part of the neuron that carries the electrochemical message.
According to Piaget, what is the term for the ability to understand that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible?
Object permanence
How does normative social influence occur?
It occurs when individuals conform to the norms of a group to gain social approval, avoid rejection, or fit in with the group.
What does amygdala control?
It controls emotions.
What are the 4 main sections of cerebral cortex?
Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe
By which scientists brain lateralization theory was developed?
Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein
What is "brain dominance"?
It's a tendency to act and think in the mode of either the left or right hemisphere.
What makes obedience different from conformity?
The directives are explicit and come from an authority.
What is conformity?
It's changing one's behavior or beliefs in response to some real (or imagined) pressure from others.
What is epilepsy?
It's a kind of storm in the brain, which is caused by excessive signalling of nerve cells.
For what the brainstem is responsible for controlling?
For basic life functions like hearbeat, breathing and blood pressure.
What is lateralization?
It is the idea that the two halves of the brain (left and right) perform different functions.
Which stage of Piaget's cognitive development is characterized by egocentrism and lack of conversation skills?
Preoperational stage