This Rotary initiative partners with leading universities to train global leaders in conflict resolution and development.
What is Rotary Peace Center Progran
This type of club offers flexible meeting times and locations and can serve as a stepping stone to forming a new Rotary club.
What is a Satellite Club?
The president in the year 2022-2023?
What is Milton Edwards?
This essential need is Rotary’s area of focus and the United Nations' 6th Sustainable Development Goal, aiming to improve health and livelihoods worldwide
What is water, sanitation, and hygiene?
Chartered in June 1969, this was the first Rotaract club in District 7020, just one year after Rotaract was introduced globally.
What is the Rotaract Club of Kingston?
The district NKRC is in
What is District 7020?
Approved in 2020, this is Rotary’s newest area of focus
What is Environment
This role administers the Rotaract program, supports Rotary clubs that sponsor Rotaract clubs, and ensures club records are kept up to date with Rotary International.
What is the Rotaract Chair?
This person is always late for meetings
Who is Horace Collins?
What is the name of the major Rotary program that funds international scholarships?
What is Rotary Peace Fellowships
The number of Shanices in the Club, hurry and count you have 5 seconds!
What is three?
The practice of rotating meetings among members' offices
What is rotating meeting among office
The club nickname, when was it developed and what does each component on the logo represent
What is Service Ninjas
The service ninja logo was developed in the 2020/2021 Rotary Year
The Ninja= represents the members
The Houses (located behind the ninja)= represent the communities that we serve or execute our projects in
Sing the next line of this song...... and name the artist
Who is Pharrell Williams?