Linkin Park
How many siblings does Phong have and what are their names?
Duy, Nhi, Vinh, Linh, Thương
What is Vivian's favorite fruit?
Why does Christian park far from stores?
Because he doesn't trust people
Which foot does Mike have bunions on?
Right foot
What is Phong's dream car?
What animal has Vivian been interested in?
What is the name of the church Christian goes to?
What is Mike's community college mascot?
What kind of house dog did Phong have and what was their name?
Pomeranian, Phoebe
What is Vivian's chick-fil-a order?
6 ct kids meal, fruit cup, and a kids sweet tea
What is the most ridiculous thing Christian believed as a child?
What is Mike's half brothers name?
What is Phong's all time favorite game?
How many instruments can Vivian play?
3: piano, violin, and recorder
What number vision does Christian have?
R: -0.25 L:-.5
What is Mike's breakdance crew called?
Why did Phong grow out his hair?
Because he didn't want to pay for his haircuts
How many eye masks does Vivian have and can you name them?
3: polar bear, cat, and snoopy
What's the most embarrassing thing that I've done and never told anyone?