The number of years Jason has worked at Picatinny.
What is Jason's favorite sports team?
What is Jason's favorite sports team? New York Jets
What is Jason's favorite place on the Jersey Shore?
Baseline Social
Taylor Ham or Pork Roll
whatever Jason picks
True or False: Jason shot a free throw at Madison square garden with all the players watching him which resulted in an air ball; True or False
Jason's answer
What is the award that Jason received in his 6th year?
5 year award
What is Jason's favorite sport to play?
What is Jason's favorite vacation destination?
When is Jason's Birthday?
July 3
True or False: At 13 years old Jason was an aspiring rapper and his nickname was “White Chocolate" True or False
Jason's answer
How long is Jason's commute to Picatinny?
How long is Jason's commute to Picatinny? Hour and a half
What sport has Jason recently picked up this past season?
What town is the Elbow Room located in?
Bradley Beach
What county does Jason live ?
Back in 2018 Jason met which now famous QB today, however at the time this football player was a backup, so this Jason declined to take a picture with him
Patrick Mahomes
How long will Jason's commute be to Fort Dix?
50 minutes?
What is Jason's favorite sport to watch?
What is Jason's favorite sport to watch? Football
What Town is the Wonder Bar located in?
Asbury Park
Does Jason live in Central Jersey or South Jersey?
whatever Jason picks
Who sings "Living on a Prayer?"
answer: Bon Jovi
What exit on the Garden State Parkway would Jason most likely get off to go home?
either 105 or 102
Bonus: What is Jason's favorite adult beverage?
Bonus: Bud Light
Bonus: What bar do Jason and Karen both go to?
either Bar Anticipation or D'Jais
Bonus:What is Jason's favorite food for lunch?
Dover Grill Cheeseburgers
Double BONUS for Jason: Who will Jason miss from Picatinny the most when he goes to Fort Dix?
All of us.... at Cost and Pricing!