What old Jojo is still alive during part 3
This power is something ANY human(with a few RARE exceptions) can learn. Although it does take a while to fully master. It will give the person enhanced speed and strength(like adrenaline but more controlled)
Breathing styles
This is the first stand we ever see
Star Platinum
how does someone become a titan shifter
a pure titan must eat a titan shifter.
How many years did Muzan go into hiding for after his fight with Yorichii(500 points)
400 years
When Jotero is in jail, what is the first thing the officers catch him with(what his stand brought him)
A beer
You get this power via eating something. There are hundreds of powers you could get, some useful, others not.
devil fruits
This stand is made of heat and can go toe to toe with Star Platinum
Magicians Red
When Eren gets first eaten by a titan while saving Armen, which arm does he lose?
What time was the clock at when Saitama broke it after his dream in episode One of OPM
What year did Joseph "die"(everyone thought he died when he really didnt)
This power is common in the world its from. infact, schools in that universe teach it to KIDS.
This stand allows the user to take over someone. Removing it by force results in the person's death
Hierophant Green
How did Mikasa's real parents die
people tried to kidnap them and killed them.
How long did it take Izuku to clean up the beach
10 months
Why does Joseph hate japanese people(racism at its peak)
His daughter married a japanese man and they moved to japan, so he ended up not being able to see his grandson
This power is at the peak of a fighters arsinal. They are unique to each person who obtains it. Non humans can use them too.
domain expansion
This stand will grant information, but it requires breaking a certain item for it.
Hermit Purple
Why does Ymir admit to being th leader of the cult she was in.
to save the followers
The first line in the AOT theme is in german. What does it translate to.
Are we the prey no we are the hunter
Is the OVA of Jojos part 3, what does Dio say when he uses his time stop stand
turbo granny powers(or just plain possesion)
This stand allows control over gravity and can invert things
What about the beast titan was weird the Corps members
it could speak fluently
how does Jonathan meet his mentor
He see's him in a stream