Increased EtCO2 and muscle rigidity
What is the first sign/symptom of MH?
Call a Code
What is the first thing to do when patient is unresponsive without breath and pulse?
Interactive communication among team members, facilitated by physician performing the procedure and involving the patient
What is Sign In?
These are counted on all cases
What are sharps and soft goods?
What is standard PPE?
Mask, goggles, gown, gloves, shoe and hair coverings
What is the normal range for EtCO2?
30:2 at 100-120 rate
What is the number of compressions with breath for a patient that is not intubated?
A review of correct patient, side and site, procedure, antibiotic and fire risk
What is affirmation of Time Out?
Circulator and scrub person
What OR members need to be involved in the count process?
Reduces risk of contamination to hands
What is double gloving?
250mg vial with 5 mL of sterile water
What do you reconstitute with Ryanodex?
120 Joules - All Clear!
What is the first defibrillation Joules setting per AHA?
Immediately before incision
When is Time Out?
Define cavity within a cavity
What begins during closure of a hollow organ or the retroperitoneal space?
Hand hygiene method for a C-diff patient
What is soap and water?
What is the dose of Ryanodex given IV?
1mg (1:10,000) IV Epinephrine every 3-5 minutes
What is the first medication to administer in cardiac arrest?
All acitivty stops for final closure & items on field are handed back to scrub person
What is Final Pause & Count?
State the order of counting
What is surgical field then Mayo stand then back table and finally the circulator area
Sequence to remove PPE
What is first remove gown with gloves together, then goggles, then mask, then wash hands
Calcium chloride, Sodium Bicarb, and Glucose/Insulin
What are the next meds to prepare dependent on ABG/metabolic acidosis?
The H's & T's to remember the main reversible causes of cardiac arrest
What are
H's: hypovolemia, hypoxia, hydrogen ion excess (acidosis), hypoglycemia, hypo/hyperkalemia, hypothermia
T's: toxins, tamponade, tension pneumothorax, & thrombosis
Verifying correct procedure is recorded, specimens, wound classification, and final count status
What is Sign Out
A CC policy that involves communication of imaging results of a suspected intraoperative retained foreign body fom staff radiologist to surgeon
What is a Code Rust?
Acronym of Government agency that regulates workplace safety
What is OSHA?