A collection of revelations and inspired declarations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith and other Church leaders.
What is the Doctrine and Covenants?
D&C 1:17-23
He visited Joseph Smith and told him about the gold plates?
Who is the Angel Moroni?
Joseph Smith—History 1:30-33
Communication from God to His children through the Holy Ghost.
What is personal revelation?
D&C 8:2-3
God views each of us in this way
What is having great worth in His sight.
D&C 18:10
This strengthens faith, provides guidance, and brings peace.
How can regular scripture study help you grow spiritually?
D&C 88:118
To guide and instruct members of the Church in the latter days.
What is the main purpose of the Doctrine and Covenants?
D&C 1:37-38
Through the gift and power of God using the Urim and Thummim.
What was the primary method Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Mormon?
D&C 6:25-28, D&C 8:10-12
These two ways does God speak to us, according to Doctrine and Covenants?
What is through our hearts and our minds.
D&C 8:2
How we can remind ourselves daily of our worth to God
What is Pray, read scriptures, or create reminders like notes or phone backgrounds.
D&C 136:32
This is one way you can explain the Book of Mormon to a friend?
What is summarize its purpose, its history, and share your testimony of it.
D&C 20:8-12
The restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
What important event led to the creation of the Doctrine and Covenants?
D&C 1:17-19
How one can receive a witness by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The promise the Lord gives to all who study the Book of Mormon and ask if it is true?
Moroni 10:3-5
Two things we can do to receive personal revelation?
What are pray sincerely and study the scriptures. D&C 9:7-9
The world values wealth, appearance, and status, while God values our faith, effort, and divine nature.
What is is God's definition of worth?
D&C 1:35-36
This helps us recognize growth and encourages us to keep going.
Why is it important to reflect on your spiritual progress?
D&C 50:24
Doctrine and Covenants 4
What is the foundation for missionary work in the Doctrine and Covenants?
He mortgaged his farm to provide the necessary funds for printing the Book of Mormon.
What sacrifice did Martin Harris make to help publish the Book of Mormon?
D&C 19:26
He was told he had already received revelation through the Holy Ghost in his heart.
Oliver Cowdery told about receiving revelation in Doctrine and Covenants
D&C 6:22-23
God rejoices in this circumstance
What is when one soul repents?
Doctrine and Covenants 18:13
These two small adjustments you can make improve your spiritual growth?
What is pray more sincerely and study the scriptures more consistently.
D&C 6:36
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.
Which early Church members were called as special witnesses of Jesus Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants (The 3 Witnesses)
D&C 17:1-5
Praying in his bedroom at night.
What was Joseph Smith doing when Moroni first appeared to him?
Joseph Smith—History 1:29
One example from the scriptures of someone receiving revelation?
Read the account
The Lord told him, "Fear not to do good … let your soul delight in righteousness"
Who was Joseph Smith?
D&C 6:33-36
This principle teaches about how we grow spiritually?
What is personal growth happens gradually as we follow Him, saying we receive blessings "line upon line" and "not all at once."
D&C 19:22