This creature ate up the seed that fell along the path.
What are birds?
The evil one planted weeds among this crop in "The Parable of the Weeds."
What is wheat?
This kind of seed was used to describe the kingdom of God in one of Jesus' parables.
What is a mustard seed?
By worrying, you can add this many hours to your life.
What is zero?
This, when on a hill, cannot be hidden.
What is a city?
This happened to the seeds that fell among the thorns.
What is choked?
Everything that causes sin and all who do evil will be thrown into this at the end of the age.
What is the fiery furnace?
There will be these two things in the fiery furnace where the bad fish are thrown.
What are weeping and gnashing of teeth?
False prophets, although dressed in sheep's clothing, are inwardly these.
What are ferocious wolves?
The workers who were hired early in the morning made this many more denarii than those hired in the eleventh hour.
What is zero?
When explaining why He spoke in parables, Jesus quoted this Old Testament prophet.
Who was Isaiah?
These were to be collected first at the time of the harvest.
What are the weeds?
Every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of God is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom these two kinds of treasure.
What are new and old?
In Jesus' parable about a fig tree, the tree had this many years to produce fruit before being cut down.
What is four?
The workers in the vineyard were paid by the landowner in this order.
What is last to first?
These two groups longed to see and hear what the disciples were witnessing with Jesus and His parables.
Who were prophets and righteous men?
The field owner gave this explanation for waiting until the harvest to pull up the weeds.
What is "because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them."?
When a man found treasure hidden in a field, he did these three things.
What are hiding it, selling all he had, and buying the field?
Jesus said not to worry about these three things that the pagans run after.
What are food, water, and clothing?
This is the only use for salt that has lost its saltiness.
What is to be thrown out and trampled by men?
In "The Parable of the Sower," Jesus describes a farmer who scatters seed into these 4 locations.
What are the path, the rocky places, the thorns, and the good soil?
Sower of the good seed - The Son of Man
The field - The world
The good seed - Sons of the kingdom
The weeds - Sons of the evil one
The enemy who sows the weeds - The devil
The harvest - The end of the age
The harvesters - The angels
When Jesus returned to His hometown, one person questioned if He was the brother of these four men.
Who are James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?
The evildoers, that Jesus never knew, claimed that they did these three things in His name.
What are prophesy, drive out demons, and perform many miracles?
The landowner went to the marketplace to look for workers this many times in Jesus' parable.
What is five?