What is the 1st of the 5 steps for vetting a news source?
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The Savannah River Basin is the only river basin in the state that contains no part of the river for which it is _________________.
What endangered amphibian is found in the largest numbers of the state in the basin?
green salamander
How did the Forest Service manage forests after the 1910 Big Burn?
used fire suppression
How much longer is the fire season now compared to the past?
40-80 days
What is the web-based tool integrating climate change science with management options?
What kind of threats are forest landowners seeing on their property?
fire, insects, disease, extreme weather, and drought
What are 2 culturally significant plant species to the Kootenai Indians that depend on fire to thrive?
camas and huckleberries
What TEK land care practices helped to modify the vegetation?
prescribed fire and seasonal flooding
Reputable news organizations aspire to ethical guidelines and standards also known as a "code of ________"
The upper basin receives the highest amount of rainfall in the eastern United States of _________________inches.
What non-native pest is a significant environmental threat to the eastern hemlock forests of the Savannah River Basin?
hemlock woolly adelgid
How did Native Americans use fire in the western US?
to burn meadows and thin forests for hunting and growing food, increase graze for animals deer, elk, bison
What is the term used for intentionally setting fires to reduce fuel and thin trees?
prescribed burning/fire
What are 3 of the 6 forest management strategies used to address emerging forest threats?
Prescribed fire
Site preparation
What kind of fish will be most vulnerable to future warming?
Cold-water adapted species, such as trout
Based on the Indigenous world view, should any site be strictly protected from the extraction of natural resources?
What 2 TEK values demonstrate the ethics of taking what meets human needs and practicing stewardship that leaves natural resources in healthy condition?
sustainability and reciprocity
The tactic used to encourage readers to "click" on a misleading or exaggerated headline link is an example of what type of tactic?
Clickbait tactic
What are 2 rare plants grow in the temperate mini-rainforests of the Savannah River Basin?
Carolina star moss and Pringle moss
The loss of the tree canopy causes water temperatures in forested streams to ______________________.
What is the definition of “megafires”?
Fires that burn more than 100,000 acres
What are the benefits of prescribed burning over wildfires?
reduces less smoke, allows certain plant species to reproduce
What is the top NC emerging forest threat in the mountain region?
the decline or extinction of high-elevation Spruce-Fir communities
What will increasing temperatures cause many animal species to do in order to adapt?
shift ranges, generally moving north or up in elevation
What was the punishment for using cultural fire?
How would a grove of mature, old-growth trees be managed if a traditionally harvested medicinal plant is present?
will be left uncut
Consistently focusing on one angle or side of a legitimate debate illustrates a lack of ____________.
The Savannah River Basin is North Carolina's ___________river basin.
The death of tree root systems may lead to ________________ of streambanks and accumulation of sediment in the water.
What did the forests of the western US look like 100 to 150 years ago?
Patchy with open and closed canopy forests
What were 2 ways that Europeans contributed to fire suppression in America?
1. construction of roads and railroads acting as firebreaks
2. livestock grazing of cattle and sheep
What is the top NC emerging forest threat in the piedmont region?
water quantity from drought
What kind of invasive plant is expected to increase dramatically because they have a high tolerance of harsh conditions?
What is the term used to describe the knowledge and practices generated and passed down by Indigenous people across generations?
Traditional Ecological Knowledge(TEK)
In 2004 what protection act enabled stewardship agreements between federal agencies and Tribes managing their forest lands to reduce the threat of wildfire and other stressors?
Tribal Forest Protection Act (TFPA)
Quality news sources should be ___________________ not only about their reporting practices, but also about their ownership and funding.
What are the 3 rare endemic fish species found in the basin?
Turquoise Darter, Blackbanded Darter and the Rosyface Chub
Runoff from ____________________ sites is an emerging threat to water quality.
How can dense tree conditions be bad for a forest?
Fires spread more easily and diseases can spread more rapidly
During what 2 seasons did Native Americans burn to avoid out of control fires in summer?
spring and fall
What is the top NC emerging forest threat in the coastal plain region?
sea level rise
An increased decomposition of organic matter in soils due to increased temperatures can lead to an increased risk of what?
soils compaction
What were 2 culturally significant animal species?
beaver and bison
What is the underlying foundation of Traditional Ecological Knowledge?
Adaptive management