My ingredients are simple. My inside is mint and my outside is chocolate.
What is a Thin Mint.
Price per box of cookies
What is $6.00
My box is red and I contain peanut butter
What is a Peanut Butter Patty
2025 Cookie Sale Mascot
What is a Panda
Coconut is the main ingredient
What is Caramel Delight.
True or False: It is ok for you to sell cookies via Social Media?
What is "True" so long as you know the person you are selling to.
The number of girls in service unit 27 this year
What is 69
How much is 3 boxes of cookies?
What is $18.00
A simple cookie that is lowest in sugar.
What is a Trefoil?
How much change do you give: Someone buys 1 box of cookies and gives you a $10 bill.
What is $4.00
Cookie only available for 2025
What are Toast-Yay!s?
The number of years has Girl Scouts been in the United States
What is 110 years.
How much would 5 boxes of cookies cost?
What is $30.