This is equal to 3 teaspoons.
What is a tablespoon?
This woman was the DFI Secretary immediately before Wendy Bauman.
Who is Cheryll Olson-Collins?
This person played high school basketball.
Redneck Swish
Who is Wes Hendricks?
A common unit in equine measurement, this is equal to 4 inches.
What is a hand?
This person is a father to two nearly-grown kids.
Mother Softy
Who is Tom Forsythe?
This is the amount of wood in a well-stacked pile that occupies 128 cubic feet.
What is a cord?
This person is a big fan of sparkling water.
Carbonate Line
Who is Nicole Braaten
A light-nanosecond is approximately equal to 30 of these.
What are centimeters?
This person was once a Black Jack dealer.
Casino Hating
Who is Gina Atchison?
A unit of pressure, one of these is equal to about 6.9 kilopascals.
What is a pound/square inch?
This person is a vegetarian.
Salami Retch
Who is Tara Michels?