This is the year The Scalawags became an FRC team.
What is 2004?
This is what you are allowed to put into the robot at the start of the match.
What is 1 coral?
This is the person who dubbed the term “Gracious Professionalism”.
Who is Woodie Flowers?
The Scalawags are a 501(c)3 charity.
What is a non-profit organization exempt from taxes?
This is the amount of ranking points scorable by (1) alliance.
What are 6 ranking points?
This is the reason The Scalawags became about.
They jumped ship from team 957 to sail their own way. Being pirates do their own thing - it was only fitting to be named The Scalawags.
This is the amount of algae game pieces present at the start of the match.
What is 18 algae?
What is the maximum robot weight?
What is 115 pounds / 135 with bumpers.
This is the 2025 proposed projected team budget.
What is $26,500?
How do teams earn a coopertition RP?
If both alliances score at least 2 algae in their processor during a qualification match.
This is the reason 1359 is our specific number.
What is The Scalawags were the one thousand three hundred fifty ninth team to join FRC.
This is the location where Algae can be stored by the robot alone.
What is the Processor Area?
This is how tall the robot can be at the start of the match.
What is 3 feet and 6 inches or 42 inches?
These are four ways the team meets their yearly budget?
What are sponsors, grants, donations, and fundraisers?
This is a credit of 6 points towards the opponent’s MATCH point total.
What is a Major Foul?
These are the 5 top marketing strategies The Scalawags use to grow the team.
What is: Jr. Robotics, Classroom involvement, Boys and Girls Club, Community service, and participation in community events.
This is where the highest April Tag is located on the field.
What is the Barge Zone?
This is the name of the Audio Cue played at the beginning of teleop.
What are 3 bells?
These are the three main ways the team gets “their name” out to the public.
What is social media (FB, IG), outreach events and word of mouth.
How many coral must be scored on at least 3 levels to earn coral RP?
At least 5 coral.
How many awards has the team won since 2017 between FRC and within the community?
What is about 22 (listed) awards.
This is the starting location of each robot.
What are bumpers overlapping the starting line?
What is the maximum acceptable gap for bumpers?
What is 1 ¼” as long as corners are filled 1”.
This is the 2025 operating budget.
What is $35,640?
This is the maximum number of coral points that an alliance can score without risking a foul during auto.
What is 336 points?