This is the first day of presales for the 2025 cookie sale.
What is February 12th?
This is the name of the baker our council uses.
What is ABC Bakers?
During sales, girls say this even when someone does not buy cookies.
What is "Thank You"?
This is the top selling cookie
What is Thin Mints?
This is how many hours a day a Giant Panda spends eating.
What is 12 hours?
This is the cost of one box of cookies.
What is $6
Little Brownie Bakers refers to this cookie as "Samoas".
What is Caramel DeLites?
You can sell cookies in person or this way.
What is online?
2025 will be the final year we sell this cookie.
What is Toast-Yay?
What is bamboo?
This is the first day you can hand someone a box of cookies.
What is February 21st?
Little Brownie Bakers call this cookie a "Tagalong".
What is Peanut Butter Patties?
True or false: You may set up a cookie booth in your own front yard.
What is true?
This cookie has fudge stripes and a hint of sea salt.
What is Adventurefuls?
Unlike most bear species, Giant Pandas do not do this.
What is hibernate?
This cookie has the most cookies per box.
What is Trefoils?
"Do-Si-Dos" are referred to as this by ABC Bakers.
What is Peanut Butter Sandwiches?
This is something you should wear each time you go to sell cookies (in person or at a booth).
What is a Girl Scout Vest?
This cookie has shape of the Girl Scout Emblem.
What is Trefoils?
The natural habitat of the panda is in the mountain ranges of this country.
What is China?
This is the theme for the 2025 season.
What is "Embrace Possibility"?
This is the ABC Bakers gluten-free cookie.
What is Caramel Chocolate Chip?
What is where we will donate our cookies this year?
This cookie is similar to a Trefoil, but has a tangy lemon-flavored icing.
What is Lemonades?
A panda's front paws has this many digits.
What is 6?