I am gluten free
Toffee Tastic
What are the three ways you can sell girl scout cookies?
In person, Digital Cookie and Cookie Booths
This level of Girl Scouts is named after a dessert
I am your classic butter cookie.
The cost of a box of cookies
(Daily Double)
What is the most popular girl scout cookie
Thin Mint
What to wear when at a cookie booth when selling cookies?
Your girl scout uniform
This level of Girl Scouts wears tan
Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors
I have flavors like the popular peanut butter and chocolate candy.
The price of 2 boxes of Thin Mints
This cookie features inspirational messages
Lemon Up
What is it called when you buy cookies to donate?
Gift of Caring
The founder of Girl Scouts
Who is Juliette Gordon Low
(Daily Double)
I have a crunchy oat outside and creamy peanut butter filling.
Do Si Do
If I have $20, how many boxes of cookies could I purchase?
2 Boxes
I am the mascot for cookie season this year.
Three ways a customer can pay using digital cookie
Credit card, venmo, pay pal
What is Juliette Gordon Lows nickname?
This is the last year that I am being sold.
What is the difference in price in a box of cookies from last year to this year?
I am vegan
Thin Mints
What you can say if a customer says they do not like cookies.
You can make a donation for cookies to be sent to the military.
Who is a Julliette?
An individually registered Girl Scout
I look like a thin mint but I am pink inside.
Raspberry Rally
If I purchased a case of smores and gave you a $100. How much change would I get back?