When he was a baby, this man was saved from Pharaoh's order to kill all the boys under 2yrs by being placed in a basket in the Nile River.
Who is Moses?
Egypt was cursed with this many plagues, before Pharaoh finally let the Israelites leave.
What is ten?
John 3:16 tells us this.
What is For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only (or only begotten) son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life?
Betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, this man went from pit to palace and ended up running the show in Egypt.
Who is Joseph?
In this parable, someone was ghosted by their friends when they needed help, but a Samaritan was like, 'I got you, fam.
What is The Good Samaritan?
Moses was just chilling, herding the sheep when suddenly this was lit but not getting cooked, and God was like "Yo, Moses, tell Pharoah to free the squad, fr."
What is a bush?
His ride or die, Jesus had this many disciples.
What is 12?
Psalm 23 begins with this.
What is, "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want."?
This guy was stressed when he had to face a whole army of Philistines, but he trusted God and slayed Goliath.
Who is David?
In this parable, the son was living his best life with his dad's money, then came crawling back. Redemption arc!
What is The Prodigal Son?
What is frogs.
This number is straight up sus, it's the mark of the beast, and it's a whole vibe of evil.
What is 666?
Philippians 4:13 reminds us of this.
What is, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?
These dudes were straight up thrown into a fiery furnace, but came out without even smelling like smoke.
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
In this parable, the shepherd went off to find his lost sheep, ride or die.
What is The Lost Sheep?
Like teenage boys raiding the refrigerator, this plague left the fields empty of the crops they were growing.
What is locusts?
Jesus told Peter to forgive someone this number of times. Like, chill with the grudge.
What is 70 times 7?
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us God knows the plans He has for us. Plans to do this.
What is plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future?
This dude was straight up tested by God, lost everything, and got some gnarly boils, but kept his faith.
Who is Job?
In this parable, a woman was hunting for her lost cash, major treasure hunt.
What is The Lost Coin?
Pharaoh's whole squad was trying to ratio the Israelites, but Moses was like, 'Nah, we're good,' and then this was just like, skrrt skrrt, parted, and then plop, Pharaoh's army was dunked.
What is the Red Sea?
This is how many stones David took with him when he faced Goliath. Like, aim for the head.
What is 5?
Romans 12:2 cautions us this. Well really, it says don't do this and do this.
What is, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."?
She was stressed when she had to plead for her people before a king, knowing it could mean her death.
Who was Esther?
In this parable, a tiny seed grew into a massive tree, proving that small things can be major flexes. Also says if your faith is the size of this you can move mountains.
What is The Mustard Seed?