Ephesians 6 instructs us to put on this to stand strong against evil.
What is the Armor of God?
Jonah spent this many days and nights in the belly of a whale (or great fish).
What is 3?
The namesake of Israel, was named this before he wrestled with God.
What is Jacob
These are the first three words of the Bible.
Because of the census, Mary and Joseph traveled to this city where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem?
The only offensive weapon in the Armor of God is this.
What is the Sword of the Spirit?
Unlike the fun weekend camping trip with your family, the Israelites spent this long wandering in the wilderness.
What is 40 years?
Promised to become the father of many descendants, this man had his named changed from this to this.
What is Abram to Abraham?
This book of the Bible contains songs and poems, many attributed to King David.
What is Psalms?
Used to teach, Jesus often spoke in these, such as "The Good Samaritan."
What are Parables?
Unlike your favorite team baseball cap, this headwear is used to protect our minds from harmful thoughts.
What is the Helmet of Salvation?
The Apostle Paul wrote this many books of the New Testament.
BONUS: Name 2 of them
What is 13?
Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon
When her husbands name was changed, Sarai was given this new name.
What is Sarah?
After marching around the city for seven days, Joshua and the Israelites successfully conquered this city.
What is Jericho?
This disciple did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus until he saw and touched Jesus.
Who is Thomas (or doubting Thomas)?
What are the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace?
Unlike your school lunch, Jesus used this to feed 5,000 people.
What is 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish?
Who is Peter? (Simon Peter is also acceptable)
Known for his wisdom, this king built the first temple.
Who is Solomon?
This letter, written by Paul, contains a chapter known as the Love chapter.
What is 1 Corinthians?
While I'm sure he would have had better accessories, this apostle wrote about the Armor of God while in shackles.
Who is Paul?
While he took every animal 2 by 2, Noah was commanded to take this many of each clean animal.
What is 7 pairs?
To facilitate his assimilation into Babylonian society, this prophet was given the name Belteshazzar.
Who is Daniel?
This prophet's altar was consumed by the fire of God, after he challenged the prophets/priests of Baal on Mount Carmel.
Who is Elijah?
This book describes the second coming of Christ.
What is Revelation?