True or False:
The Bible is the word of God
True or False:
God only allowed Noah and his family to enter into the ark
Which Nation are the chosen people of God?
In the beginning, God created the (BLANK) and the (Blank)
[Genesis 1:1]
Heavens and the Earth
What food did we eat for dinner on the first day?
Pizza and Chicken
True or False:
God gave us the bible in order for us to go to Heaven
What did Adam and Eve do to be kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
They ate the forbidden fruit
(Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil)
True or False:
The reason why God chose Israel to be the chosen nation of God is because Israel was really strong
So then faith comes by (BLANK), and (BLANK) by the word of God
[Romans 10:17]
hearing , hearing
How many total students came to the Bible Camp this year?
16 total students
What was the first thing God created?
What sign did God give to Adam and Eve to promise that He would never again judge this whole earth with water?
A Rainbow!
What was the name of the promised land for the Isrealites?
Land of Cannan
For the wages of sin is (BLANK)
[Romans 6:23]
What is the name of uncle Romulo's restaurant, where we currently are?
El Toro!
What were the names of the first two people created by God?
Adam and Eve
What mountain can we find Noah's ark?
Why did God choose the Nation of Israel?
Because they were weak and because they were in the center of the world
Behold! The (BLANK) of God who takes away the sin of the (BLANK)
[John 1:29]
Lamb, World
How many small groups were there this Bible Camp?
4 Small Groups
What did God do on the 7th day of creation?
God rested
What did God give Adam and Eve to save them from dying?
He gave them tunics of skin after killing an animal
What were the three promises given to Abraham?
For by (BLANK) you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the (BLANK) of God
[Ephesians 2:8]
grace, gift
What did Pastor ask you to do when you went home last night?
Pray for forgiveness and salvation