1 word, 1 syllable: if you don't speak Russian, it's your curt reply to a Russian who asks whether you speak Russian
If an authority figure is not around, mischief will ensue:
when the cat's away, the mice will play
This South African leader once said he wanted Morgan Freeman to play him in a movie--he got his wish in 2009 thanks to "Invictus"
These are the 2 continents elephants are native to
Africa & Asia
Art Fry co-invented this product as a bookmark for his choir hymnal; only later did he realize it was "a whole new way to communicate"
1 word, 5 syllables: it's how you say "Goodbye" to that handsome stranger you met in Florence
Sometimes folks get set in their ways & it's difficult to change their habits:
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
Sarah Palin never actually said, "I can see Russia from my house!"--it was said by this actress doing a Palin impression on "SNL"
Tina Fey
In the animated film "Frozen", these 2 sisters call the Kingdom of Arendelle home
Elsa & Anna
Art Fry co-invented this product as a bookmark for his choir hymnal; only later did he realize it was "a whole new way to communicate"
Post-it notes
2 words, 4 syllables: time for your first lager of the day! It's how you say "good morning" at a beer hall in Munich
Guten Morgen
People with similar interests tend to gravitate toward each other:
birds of a feather flock together
Years before playing fictional president Jed Bartlet on "The West Wing", he played John F. Kennedy in a 1983 miniseries
Martin Sheen
These are the 2 parts of the legislative branch; you know... U.S. Congress
the Senate & the House of Representatives
3 words, 5 syllables: as you regard him blankly, it's how your waiter in Nice politely asks if you speak the native language
Parlez-vous francais ?
You're running around in a frenzied, distracted manner:
like a chicken with its head cut off
When playing this WWII-era prime minister in "Darkest Hour", Gary Oldman smoked so many cigars that he got nicotine poisoning
These are the 2 elements that make up a molecule of CO2
carbon & oxygen
1 word, 4 syllables: it's how you say "good afternoon" in Kyoto--or if it's not the afternoon, it's simply how you might say "hello"
Trying to solve a problem, you accidentally made it even more complicated:
opened a can of worms
In the miniseries "Mrs. America", Uzo Aduba plays this "Unbought and Unbossed" pioneer
Shirley Chisholm
These are the 2 bands inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame that have had Dave Grohl as a band member
Nirvana & the Foo Fighters