The bench press & chest fly are popular exercises for working out these muscles, also called "pecs"
the pectoral muscles
As its punny name implies, Vinyl Resting Place in Portland, Oregon is a small business that sells these collectibles
The aptly-named Theodore Gill was a noted ichthyologist, a person who studies these aquatic creatures
32 green houses,
12 red hotels,
lots of play money
Art Fry co-invented this product as a bookmark for his choir hymnal; only later did he realize it was "a whole new way to communicate"
A low-impact alternative to a treadmill, this exercise machine is named after the oval-like path its pedals move in
an elliptical
A yarn store in Amherst, New York, Have Ewe Any Wool is a delightful pun that features the female name for this animal
a sheep
Not to be confused with fusion, this process creates energy by splitting an atom's nucleus into fragments
Lots of red pegs,
even more white pegs,
10 plastic vessels,
including 2 aircraft carriers
Art Fry co-invented this product as a bookmark for his choir hymnal; only later did he realize it was "a whole new way to communicate"
Post-it notes
To perform this exercise, do a push-up & then leap in the air--oh, & if you need to belch, please do it beforehand
Seattle's Spex in the City has this type of doctor ready to assist you
an optometrist
Used in solving crimes, dactyloscopy is the science of studying these identifying marks made by your hands
4 racks,
100 tiles
(98 tiles have letters, 2 are blank)
Yes, you do have time to hit the gym for some HIIT, this type of "interval training" with short bursts of vigorous workouts
high-intensity interval training
Olive or Twist is a martini bar in Pittsburgh whose name is a play on the title of a classic novel by this author
Charles Dickens
In humans, the 2 bones of the lower leg are the tibia & this, the third-longest bone in the body
the fibula
Color-coded plastic armies,
42 territory cards,
5 dice
This form of yoga is more than just hot--it's performed for 90 minutes in a room kept at 105 degrees Fahrenheit
Bikram yoga
Get a cup of joe at Rimsky-Korsakoffee House, named for the Russian composer who wrote a famous interlude about this insect's "Flight"
This technology transmits information as tiny pulses of light through thin transparent wires
fiber optics
19 terrain hexes,
60 roads,
1 robber
(Settlers of) Catan