Constantly Varied , High Intensity, Functional Movement
What is the Definition of Crossfit
Realize, _____, Thrive
What is develop
I have the most individual Crossfit Games titles of all time
Who is Tia Toomey
Both 18.1 and this workout included DB Hang Clean and Jerk
What is 25.1
Thrusters and Pull Ups
What is Fran
What is Paleo
CrossFit RDT opened its doors in August of _____
When is 2018
Often forgotten this champion won between the dynasties of Rich Froning and Matt Fraser
Who is Ben Smith
7 Min/AMRAP Burpees
What is 12.1
30 Snatches for time:
What is Isabel
Work capacity across broad time and modal domains
What is fitness
CrossFit RDT hosted its first open in the year ____
When is 2019
The original "Dottir" and 2 time individual Womens champ
Who is Annie Thorisdottir
Double DB Thusters
What is 20.2
The 100's
Who is Angie
What is Power
The only athletes to defeat “the Dave’s” in Fall Brawl history
Who are Sean and Anthony
This Crossfit Games champion is a founder of the equipment giant Rogue Fitness
Adrian Bozman played it safe when he programmed 23.1 as a repeat of
What is 14.4
After the run in this girl workout you perform max effort pull ups
Who is Nicole
Force X Distance / Time
What is work capacity
During the early years RDT consistently offered Crossfit, Nutrition, and this 3rd program
Both Jeff Adler and this Crossfit games male champion hail from Canada
Who is James Fitzgerald
The only “girl” benchmark wod programmed in the open
What is “Diane”
This girl workout was first revealed at the 2010 Crossfit Games
Who is Amanda