A comparison using like or as.
What is a simile?
When you misrepresent your opponent's argument in order to make it easier to beat.
What is the straw man fallacy?
Something that represents something else;
What is a symbol?
A group of lines in a poem.
What is a stanza?
The sentence that answers the prompt and lays out what you're going to prove.
A comparison without using like or as.
What is a metaphor?
When you directly attack your opponent instead of their argument.
What is the ad hominem fallacy?
The revolver in "The Weapon" is one of these.
What is a symbol?
This style of poetry is focused on the seasons and is split into lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables.
What is a haiku?
A compound CER paragraph format
What is a CERER?
Saying one thing and meaning another.
What is an idiom?
When you say one thing will ultimately lead to another, however unlikely that actually is to occur (A-Z).
What is the slippery slope fallacy?
The son in "The Weapon" represents this.
What is humanity?
The "person" delivering the author's poem.
Who is the speaker?
You start another paragraph with a new claim.
What is when you start talking about a different topic?
An exaggeration like, "That guy's a million feet tall!"
What is hyperbole?
When you generalize a claim in order to put your opponent on the defensive, instead of directly arguing against you.
What is the "No true Scotsman" fallacy?
You carry this symbol around with you but can't hold it.
What is a name?
A way to analyze poetry in order to figure out what its about.
What is SOAPSTone?
The words of a text or an author represented exactly as they appeared in the original work.
What is a quote?
The practice of repeating sounds or letters
Instead of proving your argument, you instead restate the initial claim.
A symbol makes this real or tangible.
What is the intangible or the invisible or the abstract?
This is the reason the poet wrote their poem.
What is the purpose?
The best way to write a paragraph ever invented by mankind.
What is the CER paragraph?