After entering the room in the morning, what is the first thing you should do?
You should hang up your backpack and move your magnet.
How do you go to lunch?
Line up quietly and walk quietly in the hall.
What are some rules at recess for playing.
Keep hands to yourself.
Use respectful words and be kind.
When can you speak out in class during discussions?
After you have raised your hand and Mrs. Kratt has called on you.
What is the first thing you do to tidy up the room?
Check your desk/area. Is it neat?
Is there any trash on the floor?
How do we take attendance in the morning?
Move our number magnet to our lunch choice.
What is one of the hallway expectations when going to specials or lunch?
To be at a level zero.
What are some rules for the playground?
What do you do if you need to go to the bathroom?
Sign out in the bathroom log book.
Name, time.
What level are our voices during dismissal?
Level 0 or 1
If we arrive early, what should we do while we are waiting for class to start?
Complete unfinished work.
Read a book and/or start my critical thinking packet.
What is another hallway expectation for specials and lunch?
You are walking and not running. We are walking on the sidewalk.
What should you do if someone does not have anybody to play with?
Invite them to play with you.
When is a good time to go to the bathroom?
During independent work
Anytime if an emergency.
Remember to sign out
How do we prepare the floor for the custodial staff?
Pick up any visible trash and other items on the floor.
How do I enter the room?
You enter at a level zero to one, immediately putting belongings away and selecting my lunch choice.
What do you do if you see someone who you know in the hallway?
Smile and wave.
How are you dismissed from the lunch table?
When the yard duty walks the cafeteria and the bell rings, lunch should already be cleaned up. Sit quietly and wait to be released.
When should you sharpen your pencil?
Anytime, quietly.
What items go home with you, and what items don't?
Chromebooks/chargers, personal belongings go home.
Items that belong to Mrs. Kratt do not.
What time I should be in class?
No later than 8:05 - 8:10 am
At what speed do you go through the hallway?
A crisp walk
How do you act in the cafeteria?
By not throwing food, stealing food from others. Clean up after your self.
Be kind and respectful to everyone.
Do NOT use bad language.
What should you do if you finish your work early?
Read a book, work on other unfinished work
How do we say goodbye at the end of the day?
Bye, have a good one!