This staff member is a DJ
Mr. Stenzel
This clinician claims (no questions asked) to have the highest spice tolerance of any staff in the school
Mr. Kitz
This staff member loves to travel to Key West, Florida, and Ocean City, Maryland boardwalk
Dr. Reid
This clinician has hiked all the high peaks in New Hampshire
Ms. Overton
This staff member has a horse
Ms. Noller
This humanities teacher was a reporter for the Saipan Tribune
Mr. Villagomez
This Middle School staff member (who went to school to be an engineer) used to make artificial hips and knees
Ms. Hughes
This staff, who knows a lot about careers, traveled to Spain, Acapulco, Nassau, the Florida keys, and Hawaii twice before she was 20
Ms. Downs
This Middle School staff member loves to roller skate and plays roller derby
Mx. Nikitas
This staff (who is a BCBA) has 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, a red footed tortoise, a ball python, and a rabbit
Ms. Coombs
This musical staff member went backstage at a Wu Tang concert
This admin staff member claims she can sleep for 23 hours straight
Ms. Suarez
When this co-director was visiting the pyramids in Egypt, she was thrown off the back of a camel
Ms. Goodreau
This STEM teacher jumped out of a plane and went scuba diving in Hawaii
Mr. Conrado
This clinician's full name is longer than the English alphabet
Ms. Essenmacher
This fashionable staff member's closet is arranged by color
Ms. Mitchum
This staff member does landscaping and painting for side jobs
Mr. Phelps
This STEM teacher competed in Scottish Highland games in Nova Scotia
Mr. Ferguson
This humanities teacher has hiked up two active volcanoes (one in Iceland and one in Costa Rica)
This STEM teacher has been mistaken for "The Brawny Paper Towel Guy" on several occasions
Mr. Patterson
This talented staff member really enjoys acting, singing and dancing in musicals
Ms. Collins
This artsy staff member has done aerial acrobatics in a biplane before
Ms. Potter
This staff member (who is a BCBA) has lived in 5 different states
Ms. Adelsberger
This staff (who you typically see in the cafeteria) loves hiking
Ms. Moran
This paraeducator/coach was born with 11 fingers
Mr. Green
This newest middle school staff member owns his own clothing line and designs shoes
Mr. Shadrach
This staff provided medical screenings for children in the Dominican Republic
Nurse Courtney
When this clinician was backpacking through Europe and staying in hostels, they sometimes had to towel themselves off with toilet paper
Mr. McCabe
This middle school staff member snowboarded as a child
Mr. Sanders
This clinician really enjoys eating chicken hearts, and really hates eating oysters because they look like boogers
Ms. Nolan
This humanities staff member acted in Beauty and the Beast in college
Mr. Bergeron
This staff member can fluently speak/read/write in 5 languages (Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and English), and can also read/write in Arabic
Ms. Leeba
This paraeducator has been in the tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa)
Mr. Whicker
This humanities teacher played college lacrosse
This paraeducator/coach was born premature at 1 pound 2 ounces
Ms. Henderson