Date of when we met
October 13th
Why did we initially go
Cowboys game
What was the initial reason for going?
Fav color
You: lavender, me: red
Our first discovered common interest
How many days was the trip?
4 (Thursday through Sunday, left Monday)
Our favorite parks
Yours: Hollywood, Mine: Magic Kingdom
Favorite food
You: shrimp, me: burger/chicken parm
First holiday we celebrated together
where were we when i said i love you
hotel room in buffalo
Our favorite rides
Fav season
You: winter, me: fall
The first movie we saw
The Marvels (sadly)
What shop did we spend the most
Kinokuniya (Tamashii nations close 2nd prolly)
What kind of merchandise was the most $
Fav figure
You: kuma (risky) me: vagabond
The first Apex character you reached 1k with me
Two stops had the same stop number, one outside of city and one to city. we stopped in a hotel and directed us to R + T
Favorite moment of the trip
Favorite manga
Yours: So far, i’d say attack on titan
Mine: One Piece