Moving into Madinah
Events before Badr
Leading up to Badr
The Battle of Badr
Mini Stories

What was the first thing the Prophet PBUH turned his attention to when entering Madinah?

Building Masjid Nabawi (Muakhaa is an acceptable answer too)


When the Qiblah changed, the front of the masjid became the back, meaning the shaded area was now at the back. This shelter became known as what?

The Suffa (the area for the Ahl-Suffa)


What is the difference between a Ghazwah and a Sariyyah? Both are military expeditions, the difference is what?

If the Prophet PBUH took part in it, it was called a Ghazwa


On the way back down from Syria to Makkah, Abu Sufyan is taking high precautions with the caravan on this return journey. Why is he panicking on the return journey?

Because on the way up to Syria, the Prophet PBUH tried to capture the caravan and Abu Sufyan narrowly avoided him


Ukasha ibn Mihsan had hit someone and his sword, and it broke. And he complained to the Prophet PBUH.

"Ya Rasulullah, I only have one sword. What am I going to do now?"

What did the Prophet PBUH give him?

The Prophet PBUH gave him a twig, and said, Go fight with this.


What happened when he went back into battle?


How was the call to prayer decided, and who was chosen to do it?

Allah SWT revealed the athan in a true dream to 2 sahabi, and Bilal (RA) was chosen to give it.


The sahabi chosen to see this dream is _________. He is famous in a way, that there is no other narration about him, other than the one about the Athan.


Why was it morally OK for the Prophet PBUH to attack the Quraysh caravan to Syria?

It was the Quraysh who persecuted them for over a decade, stole their wealth, kicked them out of their homes - it its 100% allowed to fight back those who attacked you (That's why he PBUH did not attack any of the other Arab tribes)


In Makkah, the command was given to stay put, do not retaliate, and forbade fighting back. Now In Madinah, they are and established state, so Allah SWT gives them permission to fight who?

They Quraysh only


Why only the Quraysh? Why not any other non-Muslim tribes?


Abdul Rahman ibn Awaf, in battle, looks to his right, and sees a teenager. And to his left, another teenager. They both ask him, "Uncle, do you know who ______ is?"

Later on, Abdul Rahaman RA points him out. "There is the man you're looking for"

Without hesitation, the two young men immediately darted to him, slashing him with no regard for their own safety.

This is the story of the ending of who?

Abu Jahl


Al-Abbas (the uncle of the Prophet, and he was a strong warrior) — was brought him was a small, stout person — so Abbas, embarrassed, when he got to the Prophet PBUH, said

"This man did not capture me!" 

Who actually captured him?

A noble angel


The Constitution says, "All of the Muslims shall unite against those who do injustice, even if ___________"

"Even if it is one of their own"

Answers acceptable:

"Even if they are Muslim" 

"Even if they are from the ummah"

The Imam of Masjid Qiblatayn walked through the lines to change qiblah mid-salah. Why?

Because the Sahabi who was giving the message to the outlying villages reached that masjid by the time they were praying Asr salah, so when he (the imam) heard the command, he obeyed immediatley.


Why were so many of the Sahabah (if not all of them) scared and unwilling to proceed when the Prophet PBUH asked them - 

"What do you think if instead [of Abu Sufyan's caravan,] we met a group from Makkah that has already been informed of your departure (i.e., a group that is prepared to fight you)?"

Because they were only prepared for for a quick and easy caravan raid - they had no preparation to face an army


Allah SWT blessed the Muslims with two physical blessings the night before Badr. Name one (double points for both)

1. Just enough rain to make their step firm

2. Sleep (despite being so nervous)


The famous incident of the Sharing of the Camel. Since they only had 70-100 camels, 3 men had to share 1, and take turns. Abu Lubabah, Ali RA, and the Prophet PBUH were assigned to one camel. Who rode the camel?

(DOUBLE POINTS if you remember the response quote)

"The two of you are not any younger / stronger than I am, and I am not in any less in need of the ajr (reward) than the two of you.


The text mentioned 5 benefits of the Muakhaa. Mention one of them.

1. A way for converts to learn Islam

2. For society to grow and develop

3. Shows the leadership of the Prophet PBUH

4. Showed the process of gradually formulating the laws of the shariah

5. Showed the status of the Ansaar


The change of Qiblah was an abrogation, not a contradiction. 

What is the difference?

An abrogation is revealing one command, then later, a new command that cancels out the previous.

Rather than a contradiction- which would be to state a fact, then elsewhere state a fact- both equally meant to be true but do no line up. 


When the Prophet PBUH was ready to leave for Badr, why didn't many sahabah go with him, even though their animal/ride was just across town (in another part of Madinah, not ready to go asap)

Because it was a surprise mission. Speed was of the essence. So only those who had preparation right then and there could go (It was not an obligatory joining, like Uhud and the rest of the battles)


The Mubaraza (3v3 duel) before Badr was originally the 3 Makkans 3 Ansaar sahabi, but the Makkans (Utbah ibn Rabi') rejected them. He said they don't want to fight them. 

Why not?

The Makkans had no quarrel with the Ansaar. 

"We have no battle with you. We have no problem with you. We didn't come to fight you. We don't know you people, why should we fight you? We are fighting our own blood." 

So they called out, "O Muhammad, send us equals worthy of us!"


Who replaced the 3 Ansaar Sahabi?


At Badr, the Prophet PBUH was straightening the rows of soldiers. One sahabi, Suwad not in the line, the Prophet PBUH poked him in the stomach and said, "O Suwad, straighten up." 

Suwad RA said, "Ya Rasulullah, you have poked me and caused pain without any cause (i.e., unjustly).

How did the Prophet PBUH respond? How to Suwad RA respond back? (half points available)

The Prophet PBUH opened his shirt and said, "Here, poke me back."

Suwad RA hugged and kissed the skin of the Prophet PBUH


What was one of the early struggles of the Muhajiroon when settling in Madinah?

They fell ill, as they were used to the dry climate of Makkah compared to the wet climate of Madinah


How did the Prophet PBUH address this problem?


The Prophet PBUH sent out many expeditions before Badr to get information, to attack the Quraysh, to make alliances with nearby tribes - but he sent only the Muhajiroon. He did not send the Ansaar out (not yet, at least). Why? (2 answers acceptable)

1. To remind the Muhajiroon that they cannot forget about Makkah.

2. The Ansaar only signed up/agreed to defend the Prophet PBUH, not take part in attacks.


The Battle of Badr, originally, was the attempt of the Muslims to inrercept the Quraysh caravan traveling from Syria to Makkah.

What was Ghazwa Ushayra? 

The Battle (Ghazwa) called when the Muslims tried to intercept that same caravan, but when it was traveling from Makkah to Syria?


This is perhaps the pinnacle of the story. When the Muslims finally find out, that they are indeed facing an army, and not a caravan, the Prophet PBUH asks the sahabah, "What should we do?"

First, Abu Bakr RA responds. Then he PBUH asks again, and Umar RA responds. Then again, and al-Miqdad responds. A fourth time he asks. What was he PBUH waiting for?

He was waiting for someone from the Ansaar to respond, because they only signed up for defense, not offense. He wanted their commitment.


Who responded to him?


Even though they were fully ready to fight, why didn't Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman and his father al-Yaman attend Badr?

The Quraysh had captured them previously, and told them, "We won't kill you, but promise us you won't fight us alongside Muhammad."

The Prophet PBUH heard this, he forbade Hudhayfah and his father to fight in the Battle of Badr.

A Muslim is never a traitor no matter what — treaties must be respected and honored.


Of the most important concepts that this constitution puts into writing is that the Prophet PBUH is defining relationships based upon _________, not ________

Based upon religion, not family/tribe


What practical effect did this have amongst the people, specifically compared to Makkan society?


Why was the Prophet PBUH so optimistic, initially, when he gave dawah to the Jews?

Because the Arabs had no concpet of the Afterlife, of One God, of Revelation, of Prophets- the Jews knew all of this.

One top of that, they were literally expecting a prophet to come - even the description of the Prophet PBUH matched what was in their books.


Since they knew him to be the true Prophet, why did they immediately reject him?


Sariyya Nakhla was supposed to be a top-secret information mission. What mistake happened, and how did the Quraysh respond to make the Muslims look bad?

The Muslims made an error to decide to attack in the Sacred Months, so the Quraysh made a huge deal that the Muslims are breaking the laws of the land.


That was the response of the Quraysh. How did Allah SWT respond to this incident? (VERY applicable in modern times)


Iblees was there too, on the Day of Badr, in human form. Right up until the two armies met. Then he ran away as fast as he could. Why?

He saw the angels, including Syyedul-Malaa'ikah, Jibreel AS

The first Sahabi ever to shoot an arrow for cause of Islam was

Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas RA


"This is not the face of a liar"

The famous conversion line of who?

Abdullah ibn Salam, one of the senior Rabbis of Madinah


The change of the Qiblah created a question from the Sahabah: They asked the Prophet PBUH if all the previous salah still counts. Allah SWT responds in the Quran, 

"Allah will not cause your _______ to waste away"

Imaan. Allah SWT referred to SALAH as IMAAN, showing its importance.


In order to find out the truth of the matter of Badr (Was it an army or caravan?) two people from the Muslims were chosen to go as scouts to find out the truth. The Prophet PBUH chose who?

Himself and Abu Bakr RA, as this was a matter of utmost sensitivity, and he trusted no one more than him.


The 70 prisoners of war after Badr had to be dealt with. Umar RA had and opinion, and so did Abu Bakr RA.

What was each of their opinions, and who did the Prophet PBUH side with?

Umar RA suggested they eliminate them all. They just tried to kill the Muslims in battle a few hours ago, after all. 

Abu Bakr RA suggested to ransom them off.

The Prophet PBUH sided with Abu Bakr RA.


Before leaving Badr, after everything was over, the Prophet PBUH turns back and calls out.

O Abu Jahl!

O Utbah ibn Rabi!

O Umayyah bin Kalaf!

etc. What did he ask them all?

"Have you found what your lord has promised you

to be true? As for me, I have found the promise of Allah to be true."


Let's say you heard a claim:

"The Muslims were unfair in their treatment to the Jews of Madinah"

How would you use the proof of the Constitution of Madinah to prove this claim wrong?

The Prophet PBUH stated the Jews are one ummah, and the Muslims are one ummah. Each deals with their own issues internally. They unite against external forces together. The Jews broke this treaty repeatedly, which is why they were expelled.


Allah SWT says, Piety is not facing to the east or the west, but rather, piety is believing in Allah...

Yet, the qiblah was changed for a reason. Three wisdoms specifically mentioned for the change of the Qiblah- mention (1 for 400, or 2 or 800)

1. For the Muslims - A test to see whether they implemented this new ruling from Allah SWT

2. For the Jews - This Prophet came in the line of your prophets, so he faced your qibla, he shall take it back to the original.

3. For the Mushrikoon: They are not worthy of being the custodians of the Ka'bah; rather, the Prophe PBUH is more worthy — he will be theone who inherits the Ka'bah.


2 parts: (1 part correct will receive half points)

Part 1: What was the dream of Atikah, the aunt of Prophet PBUH?

Part 2: What happened three days later that was the exact interpretation of her dream?

Part 1: She dreamt that in three days, a crier will come to Makkah, racing on his camel, saying, "O you, traitors! Meet your death in three days from now" and a large rock hits every house in Makkah."

Part 2: Damdam, the messenger from Abu Sufyam arrives in Makkah and cries out, "O Quraysh, your caravan! Your property and money with Abu Sufyan is being attacked by Muhammad and his Companions right now! And you will not be able to defend it unless you act immediately!


Why did the Prophet PBUH camp at Badr for 3 days? Name two of the three reasons

1. To ensure no counter attack

2. To show who is the winner

3. To bury the shaheed


Uqba ibn Abi Mu'ayt was one of the most hideous of enemies to the Prophet PBUH. He was the one who infamously threw the intestines of a camel onto the Prophet PBUH during sujood.

He was scared to join Badr. 

1. What did he do (purchase) to end up going? 

2. What made his end different to anyone else, even Abu Jahl? 

(half points available)

1. He bought the fastest camel he could, so he could run away in battle- but his camel was the first to run away without him.

2. He was the only 1 of 2 people (out of 70) that were executed, due to his disrespect and animosity to Islam



Write down how many points, max 1000, you are ready to win if you get this question correct. 

If you say the wrong answer, that may points will be deducted.

This is a critical thinking question. Each team will write the answer down.

Think back to the Mubaraza (the 3v3 duel before the actual battle).

Of all the choicces, why did the Prophet PBUH send the three men:

Ubaydah ibn al-Harith ibn al-Muttalib

Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib

Ali ibn Abi Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib
