Early Prophethood
The Makkah Years
Leaving Makkah
Life in Madinah

What is it that gave the people of Arabia respect to the Quraysh?

The fact that Allah protected them miraculously from the army of Abraha


What was the first thing the Quraysh did to try and stop the Prophet PBUH from preaching Islam to the people?

They went to his uncle, Abu Talib


When Abu Talib finally asked the Prophet PBUH to stop, what was the famous response of the Prophet PBUH?


How did the Banu Hashim survive the boycott?

They ate the leaves off the trees, and some Quraysh secretly sent food


How did the boycott end?


Briefly mention the story of Suraqah ibn Malik when the Prophet PBUH and Abu Bakr (RA) were escaping to Madinah

(hint: it has to do with the 100 camels reward)

Suraqah ibn Malik tried to get the 100 camel reward by capturing them, but Allah SWT stopped his horse from walking forward - so he realized and asked for protection instead!


Who got the honor of hosting the Prophet PBUH for the first few months of Madinah?

Abu Ayyub al Ansari (RA)


He originally had the Prophet PBUH stay on the lower floor, to make it easy, but then after one night, immediately switched (so the Prophet PBUH would be on the upper floor). Why did he make that switch?


What happened to the animals of Haleemah Sa'diyya when she decided to take the Prophet PBUH as a baby?

The animals suddenly became very healthy, fast, and full of milk.


Why did no one want to take the Prophet PBUH as a baby at first?


The Prophet PBUH called every tribe to come to him. Once they all came, then he PBUH asked the people a question. What did he ask them?

If I were to tell you that behind me is an army ready to attack you, would you take action?


What did Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt do to the Prophet PBUH while he was praying in front of the Kabah?

He threw the intestines of a camel on him, so that he could not get up. 

After the people of Madinah became Muslim, who did the Prophet PBUH send to teach them about Islam?

Mus'ab bin Umayr (RA)


The Prophet PBUH's camel was guided by Allah SWT to reveal where Masjid Nabawi would be built.  Where was that?

A plot of land owned by two orphans.


How did the Prophet PBUH acquire it from them?


Name the two miracles the Prophet PBUH would see on a daily basis in the days before he received the Revelation the Quran.

1 - He would hear the rocks and tree give him Salam.

2- He would start seeing dreams, as true as day.


Abu Bakr (RA) freed slaves, protected the Prophet PBUH, and converted many people. After defending the Prophet PBUH from harm, Allah SWT rewarded Abu Bakr (RA) with what family event, that made him very, very happy?

His mother accepted Islam.


The Quraysh had to come up with an explanation to tell everyone to stay away from the Prophet PBUH. What did they say about him?

That he is a magician!

After the people of Ta'if threw stones at the Prophet PBU, and drove him out of the city, he made dua. A angel came to him - what did the angel offer?

To crush the people between the mountains.


What was the response of the Prophet PBUH to the angel's offer? 


If the prisoner of war for the Battle of Badr had no money, what did the Prophet PBUH allow them to do gain their freedom?

To teach Muslims to read and write


When Abraha came to meet Abdul Muttalib, what did Abdul Muttalib ask Abraha?

He asked to return the 200 camels he stole.


When Abraha was amazed that he did not ask about destroying the Ka'bah, rather, about the camels, what was Abdul Muttalib's famous response?


When the Prophet PBUH told Khadijah (RA) about Jibreel coming to him with verses of the Qur'an, she said that because of this quality, he will definitely be supported by Allah SWT.

Due to his character


What incident made Hamza (RA) to convert to Islam?

Abu Jahl began insulting him, and Hamza (RA) came to defend his nephew, accepting Islam out of anger.


The Prophet PBUH gave da'wah to many people, including a group of people from Madinah. But, the group from Madinah already knew about a Prophet coming to the land. How did they know about this?

They lived next to the Jews, who told them of a Prophet coming (from their book) and the Muslims of Madinah (Ansaar) decided to be the ones that followed him


The Prophet PBUH. made and agreement with the Muslims of Makkah and the Jews. What was the basis of that agreement?

Freedom to practice religion and protection against outside enemies


What quality of the Prophet PBUH was Khadijah (RA) impressed by, and other merchants before did not have this quality?

He PBUH was trustworthy.


The first woman to accept the call to Islam was ________.

The first man to accept the call to Islam was ________.

The first child to accept the call to Islam was ________.

Khadijah RA

Abu Bakr RA

Ali RA


Who technically accepted Islam before any of them?


When Umar (RA) was on his to kill the Prophet PBUH, he bumped into Nu'aym ibn Abdullah, who was a secret Muslim. What did Nu'aym (RA) do to distract Umar (RA)?

He told him his sister Fatima bint Khattab had accepted Islam.


The tribes decided to each send 1 person to take eliminate the Prophet PBUH all at the same time. Why this method? Why not just one person?

So Banu Hashim would be forced to not fight back, and accept payment instead.


How did Allah protect the Prophet PBUH to make that plan fail?


When the Muslims left Madinah, they thought they were going out to ________________ , but Allah decided that instead, it would be the Battle of Badr!

Raid a caravan


Before Prophethood, how did the Prophet PBUH prevent a civil war within the Quraysh?

When the Quraysh could not figure out who would get the honor of placing the Black Stone, he PBUH found a solution to keep everyone happy.


Waraqah bin Nawal told the Prophet PBUH that the Quraysh will do three things when they hear his message. Name two of them.

They will reject you

They will expel you

They will fight you


The Quraysh attacked the Prophet PBUH, and Abu Bakr RA defended him - so they also attacked Abu Bakr (RA) so much, that he became unconscious. His family carried him to his house. What was the first thing he said when he woke up? 

"How is the Messenger of Allah??" PBUH


When the Quraysh tracked down the Prophet PBUH and Abu Bakr (RA) to the cave of Thawr, Allah SWT sent a spider to spin a web at the entrance. Had the Quraysh simply looked down, they would have seen them.

Abu Bakr (RA) said to the Prophet,  "Messenger of Allah, if one of them steps forward, he will see us!"

What was the famous response?

Do not fear, Allah is with us.

What do you think of two, the third is Allah SWT?


Before the Battle of Badr started, the armies sent a 3v3 duel. The Prophet PBUH sent Hamza, Ali, and Ubayda (RA) for this dangerous duel.

These three men are the Prophet's _______

Family. When it came to dangerous missions, he put his own family first. 

What was one wisdom from Allah, that the Prophet PBUH was unable to read or write?

The fact that he will receive revelation from Allah - the Qur'an - and no one can honestly say that he made it up, since they all knew he could not read or write.


The Prophet PBUH looked upon the early Muslims with great sadness, as they were being tortured and beaten. What was the only thing he could say, when he passed by the family of Yasir (RA) being tortured in front of him?

Patience, O family of Yasir. You have the promise of Jannah.


Utbah ibn Rabiah famously offered the Prophet PBUH 4 things to leave preaching Islam. Name 3 of them.

If you want Money, we will make you the richest among us. If you want power, we will make you our king. If you want to get married, we will find you any woman you want. If you are sick, we will find the best doctor in Arabia.


How did the Prophet PBUH respond to this?


Other than having him sleep in his bed, why did the Prophet PBUH have Ali (RA) leave Makkah after him?

To give back the valuables to the people that they had trusted him with for safekeeping. 


The name of the rabbi who accepted Islam when the Prophet PBUH came to Madinah

Hint: Abdullah ibn _________

Abdullah ibn Salam

Anyone know his story?


What did Aas bin Wa'il do that made the Quraysh create Hilf-al-Fudul? What is Hilf-al-Fudul? 

He refused to pay for goods that he bought from an outsider who came to Makkah. 

Hilf-al-Fudul is the agreement that the Quraysh would always side with anyone who was wronged or cheated.

Even after Islam, the Prophet PBUH praised this treaty.


Abu Bakr (RA) converted many sahabah to Islam, and most well known are the 14 men (RA) mentioned in the text. Most of these are of the 10 promised Jannah.

Name 5 of these 14.

Any 4 of these:

'Uthman ibn 'Affan      Zubayr ibn al-Awwam

Abdu'r-Rahman ibn 'Awf     Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas

Talhah ibn 'Ubaydullah     Abu 'Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah

al-Arqam ibn Abi'I-Arqam     Uthman ibn Maz‘un

'Ubaydah ibn al-Harith      Sa'id ibn Zayd

Khabbab ibn al-Aratt     'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud

'Ammar ibn Yasir     Suhayb ar-Rumi


When Umar (RA) finally read the verses of Surah ____, Khabbab ibn Arat excitedly told him about the dua of the Prophet PBUH. What was that dua?

He read Surah Taha. 

He said, O Allah, strengthen Islam with one of the two men - Abu Jahl or Umar ibn Khattab!


Years and years later, when Umar (RA) conquered Persia, what famous event did it tie back to of the Hijrah, regarding Suraqah ibn Malik?

When Suraqah ibn Malik asked for protection, He PBUH remarked, "How will it be when you wear the bracelets of Kisra?" When Umar (RA) conquered Persia, and the treasures of Kisra were found, he put the bracelets on Suraqah just to show the truth of the prediction.


The Prophet PBUH and the Muslims now found out that they are facing an army - so he took their advice. He asked them - and a Muhajir responded. Then a Muhajir responded. Then a Muhajir responded. What was the Prophet PBUH waiting for, and why?

He was waiting for an Ansaari to respond, because the Treaty of Aqabah only said they would defend, not attack. The Prophet PBUH wanted to make sure they were agreeing to go ahead


What was the famous response of Sa'ad ibn Muath, when he finally responded to the Prophet PBUH?



Write down how many points, max 1000, you are ready to win if you get this question correct. 

If you say the wrong answer, that may points will be deducted.

This is a critical thinking question. Each team will write the answer down.

What was one wisdom why Bilal (RA) was chosen to give the adhaan? Think about the concept the Allah SWT rewards a person in the same manner that you sacrifice for Him.
