How many people are there in the room?
Let's count!
iGEM is the ______ of Synthetic Biology (according to the organizers)
Where is the iGEM competition originated from?
iGEM begins from which year?
What the date of iGEM 2025 Grand Jamboree?
28-31 October, 2025
Team UCAS-China begins from which year?
What's the first element in iGEM cycle?
start a team
What is the full name of "iGEM"?
International Genetically Engineered Machine
What is the full meaning of "LANTERN"?
Programmable Logic Framework Based on Recombinase and CRISPR Interference
What is the full name of CCiC?
Conference of China iGEMer Community
Where is the specific location of 2024 Grand Jamboree in Paris?
Which university won the grand prize of undergrad in 2024?
The gene circuit of LANTERN is designed of four section, which are?
Tangram, Register, Patch, Output
Where is the iGEM Foundation located? (a city in US)
What's the meaning of the spell "NOX" in Harry Potter?
Opposite effect of "Lumos". (Turn off the light)