How many credits do students have to earn by the end of their senior year?
20+ credits
What is the passing score all students are required to earn on the Algebra 1 and English 2 Ohio State exam?
When is the PSAT?
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
In order to earn two PE Waivers, how many seasons of a sport must a student participate in?
2 seasons
What period are the school announcements shared?
End of 2nd period
How many credits of English and Math do students need to earn?
4 credits
How many seals do students need to earn?
2 seals; 1 state + 1 local or 2 state seals
True or False? The PSAT is a pretest for the SAT.
Fill in the blank….In order to test, ALL students must bring their________on the day of testing.
School issued Chromebook, fully charged!
What time does 1st period start?
8:15 AM
True or False? Students are no longer required to take Health?
In order to earn the Science Seal, what score does a student need to earn on the Biology Ohio State exam?
700 or higher
What sections are included on the PSAT?
Reading & Writing
How should students prepare for the PSAT?
Review the Student guide
Complete practice test provided on Bluebook
Who is the building principal?
Dr. Towns
True or False: Students that fail graduation required courses are NOT REQUIRED to do credit recovery?
False; all students must complete credit recovery in order to gradate.
Name one OST test students take at the end of their sophomore year?
Geometry, American History or English 2
How will students receive information about their testing location?
Email from guidance
How many elective credits are required for all students to earn?
4 credits
Share your last name and the counselor you're assigned to?
Free Response
Why is it important for students to take a foreign language during high school?
1. Colleges prefer students take 2+ years of a foreign language
2. Learn a new language
3. Honors Diploma requirement
Why is it important for students to do their best on their OST(s)
By preforming well on the PSAT, students can potentially qualify for what scholarship?
National Merit Scholarship
To be considered proficient, how many points does a student need to earn on their OST(s)?
3 (700+)
Where could a CHUH student complete career interest inventory and research college/careers?